MARS DOME ENTRANCE - Huge Buildings & Structures at Mt Sharp. ArtAlienTV

184.8 هزار بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش - Some huge buildings on Mars
Some huge buildings on Mars at Mount Sharp in Gale Crater. The long pier looking structure has possible windows and leads up to a large dome entrance where large pipes can be seen. It could be a pumping station.
There is also a large twin building structure further up the mountain. Above the train like structure there are some dwellings cut into the rock. See for yourself. There are multiple buildings on Mt Sharp. This is the tip of the iceberg.
Some of the pipes near the entrance may be sharpened image compression artefacts. These images are downgraded and distortion can appear but there is something there.

SUPERZOOM Gigapan here 👉

Another angle of it here at 27 minute mark :)

First found by Joe White - ArtAlienTV on August 12th 2015 and first published on YouTube September 24th 2015.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
NASA image link:

Pareidolia, Swamp Gas and Weather Balloons?

When will the mainstream media take notice of the intelligent structure finds on Mars, Moon, Ceres, Pluto and other planetary bodies in our solar system?
Is there a concerted effort to keep this from the public? The press only seem to publish very low quality finds the are very blurry and easy to dismiss with some childish headline or comment by someone who has never researched these planets for more than a minute on Google. The so called science media have a mental age of around 6 years old.
NASA are now saying that everything us researchers find is down to pareidolia. The modern equivalent of swamp gas or a weather balloon. Some of it may be, but some most definitely is not.
Many finds are shown from multiple angles from different cameras on different days. Far more evidence than needed to convict a person to prison or shooting them for speeding for some minor issue as is now happening across the US!

If there is nothing on Mars for instance then why are JPL using fake sand to cover up interesting archaeological artefacts on the planets surface? This is a fact and has been proven by myself and many other researchers in recent months.
Fortunately for us they miss objects quite regularly.
I actually think that many at NASA are trying to leak information to us anomaly hunters. I personally had an email recently from a female NASA engineer claiming that the fake sand and image tampering was strictly a JPL policy and nothing to do with the technicians and engineers at NASA.
The media are just misinformed and ignorant on these intricate matters. Perhaps one day a real newspaper/organization will realize the importance of some of these finds and give it the front page it deserves. I wont hold my breath!

BTW, I saw your post on trolls and realized my profile fits! So this is me, not a troll:
I worked on the space station, Delta Rockets, and the Space Shuttle. (A bit on the defended ARES).
I was a technician, for McDonnell Douglas (bought by Boeing), then United Space Alliance, which was a child project of Boeing and Lockheed. The NASA people I worked with were just regular people, engineers and inspectors. I worked briefly with some JPL folks once. A-holes...very clickish, treated everyone else as if we were all mentally deficient. Would NASA hoax? If they ordered to, I expect any government entity would...people just want a job...
Again, my apologies for uninvited email!

Keep searching!
Joe White - ArtAlienTV

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9 سال پیش در تاریخ 1394/07/02 منتشر شده است.
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