Ύμνος της 4ης Αυγούστου (Hymn of 4th of August) - Anthem of the Metaxas Regime

FalangeBall III
FalangeBall III
31.5 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - The 4th of August Regime
The 4th of August Regime (Commonly known as "The Metaxas Regime") was a fascist state that was under the leadership of General Ioannis Metaxas, who ruled the Kingdom of Greece from 1936 until his death, in 1941. The government took his name of the coup made by Metaxas, with the support of King George II, which was carried out on August 4, 1936.

The Metaxas Regime shared many of the characteristics of the fascist regimes of the time, including the use of the Roman salute and the "labrys", a double-edged ax similar to the fasces of Mussolini's Italy, which served as the Regime symbol. It should also be noted that, shortly after he came to power, Metaxas created "The National Youth Organization", a youth organization similar to the "Hitler Youth" of Germany.

The main objective of the regime was to lay the foundations for the so-called "Third Hellenic Civilization" (The two previous Hellenic civilizations were the Ancient Greece and the Byzantine Empire), similar to what was then happening in Germany with Hitler's 3rd Reich and in Italy with the 3rd Rome of Mussolini.

Finally, Metaxas died in Athens on January 29, 1941; officially of natural death (An inflammation of the pharynx that caused an infection), although it's speculated that he was killed by the British secret services. He's currently one of the most admired and respected characters by the Greek fascist movements, including the nationalist party "Golden Dawn"

"Γιατί χαίρεται ο κόσμος,
και χαμογελάει, πατέρα;"
"Γιατί λάμπει ο ήλιος έτσι;
Γιατί φέγγει έτσι η μέρα;"

Γιατί σαν αυτή, παιδί μου,
την ημέρα τη χρυσή,
που τη χαίρεσαι και συ,
στέρεψε το μαύρο δάκρυ,
κλείσανε πολλές πληγές,
αψηλώσανε τα στάχυα κι ένα γύρω όλα τα βράχια...
εγινήκαν ανθοβούνια και χρυσοπηγές.

Μιαν ημέρα σαν ετούτη,
την ολόφωτη κι ωραία,
ξεδιπλώθηκε και πάλι
η γαλάζια μας Σημαία,
που 'χει τ' ουρανού το χρώμα,
και σκεπάζει τ' άγιο χώμα,
που ελεύθερος πατάς.

Κι έτσι με χαρά κι ελπίδα,
για μιαν ένδοξη Πατρίδα,
η Σημαία κυματίζει,
μ' ένα ΤΑΝ Ή ΕΠΙ ΤΑΣ.

Μιαν ημέρα σαν ετούτη,
που χτυπάνε οι καμπάνες,
που την τραγουδούν οι νέοι
και δοξολογούν οι μάνες.

Έγινε σαν πρώτα πάλι
η Πατρίδα μας μεγάλη,
δοξασμένη κ' ισχυρή.
κι έτσι σαν την αντικρίζεις,
έτσι πάλι την γνωρίζεις,
"την γνωρίζεις απ' την κόψη...
του σπαθιού την τρομερή!"

Έγινε σαν πρώτα πάλι
η Πατρίδα μας μεγάλη,
δοξασμένη κ' ισχυρή.
κι έτσι σαν την αντικρίζεις,
έτσι πάλι την γνωρίζεις,
"την γνωρίζεις απ' την κόψη...
του σπαθιού την τρομερή!"

Translation Note: "Tan í epi tas" was a Spartan motto before going to battle, meaning to return holding the shield or being returned on the shield, dead. It roughly holds the same meaning as the saying "do or die"

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5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/11/24 منتشر شده است.
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