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In this video Danny Craig of Temple of the Tree Kennels shares his love and knowledge of his breed he has dedicated his life.

The Belgian Malinois (pronounced MAL-in-wah) is a Belgian shepherd of medium size. At first glance the Malinois resembles a German Shepherd Dog.

Developed in Malines, Belgium, Malinois have a great deal of stamina and truly enjoy working. They are highly  intelligent and very active dogs. The Malinois excels at many tasks. In addition to herding, they also do well with police work, search and rescue, and in performance events, such as agility.

People who are not familiar with the Malinois often confuse them with the German Shepherd Dog (GSD), but there are significant differences in the body structure and temperament of the two breeds. Malinois are smaller dogs with lighter bones. They stand with their weight well on their toes, which gives them a square body profile, while today's GSD has a long, sloping back and carries his weight flatter on his feet.

Malinois are fawn-colored, red, or brown, and the tips of their hair are black, while the GSD is usually tan with a black saddle. Additionally, the Malinois has a more refined, chiseled head that the GSD and smaller, more triangular ears.

Many think that the Malinois is more alert and quicker to respond than the GSD. They're also very sensitive dogs that don't respond well to harsh training methods. Some Malinois are friendly and assertive, but others are reserved and aloof with strangers. They should never have a fearful or aggressive temperament. Because of their energy level and sensitivity, Malinois are recommended only for people who have previously owned dogs and have experience with dog training. Malinois are very intense dogs who like to be included in all of the family activities. They aren't well suited for people who work long hours or must travel often, leaving their dog at home.
8 سال پیش در تاریخ 1395/07/19 منتشر شده است.
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