Right way to showcase pictures in a PowerPoint presentation using SmartArt

Presentation Process
Presentation Process
17.6 هزار بار بازدید - 11 سال پیش - In this edition of PowerPoint
In this edition of PowerPoint Smart art tutorial series, you will learn the benefit of showcasing pictures using smart art. Here is a typical picture Showcase slide used by many business presenters. What you think about the slide?
Though the slide looks quite attractive in the first glance, there are some issues that makes the slide ineffective. The first issue is size inconsistency. The slide has images of different sizes, as a result, it looks like a mishmash of different photos or photo collage, rather than a neatly arranged album.
Source: https://www.presentation-process.com.
The second issue is in terms of confusing callouts. We still don’t know if this particular caption refers to the image above or below. Same way, this caption could refer to the image on the left or above. So the callouts are confusing.
Third issue is regarding alignment. As you can see here, the images are not properly aligned. All these issues arise because of one simple reason. Let us go to a new slide, and the typical way to insert a picture is to go to insert, pictures and you pick up pictures from a folder, and as you can see here, if ever to insert these two images there of different sizes.
If the images in the folder are of different sizes, then the result on the slide is also the same. So if ever to use this here, you can see that the sizes of these images are different. Because they are oriented in a different way. And this difference in size results in all kinds of inconsistencies.
Take a look at a picture Showcase using smart art. As you can see here the images are all of equal size. The reference is direct and therefore there is no confusion regarding the callouts. And alignment don’t exist.
That is the power of using smart art to showcase your pictures. The reason is, if I were to insert, and if I were to use one of the picture Showcase options - and in this case we are using this one. You can see that if I were to insert an image, I use the same image here. I go to - insert from a file, and I go to the same folder. I’m inserting this picture here. And if ever to insert the next picture, which is right next to it, which is of a different size here. I select that and I insert.
As you can see these images automatically align themselves or made into consistent size. As a result the slide looks more professional.
So the next time when you want to use picture showcase, make sure you use one of picture Showcase options available in SmartArt.
Coming to picture Showcase, which is a common slide type used in business presentations, I wish to show you some examples templates, taken from our custom animation pack that showcases pictures.
Here is an example of revealing a picture, you can see how we use advanced custom animation to reveal the image. And here we showcase the picture almost in a film style. And the third examples is that of two images and the associated text. Here you can see how the images are showcased in a very attractive manner.
And to replace these images, all you need to do is to go here - right click and go to format picture. And use shapes in which you could have used through this as well. Anyway I am go through this option. Fill – picture and I am going to use File - and I go back to the same folder, and maybe I can use the same image here. And you can see here that the image is replaced by the new image.
And the custom animation still remains exactly the same way. And as you can see here - and this one has the new custom animation. And that is the power of using templates. Your work is greatly reduced, and you get great professionally animated slides which are ready to use.
These are created for busy business presenters like you. There are more than 630 advanced custom animation templates available in our pack.
In this video you will watch the right and wrong ways to add pictures in PowerPoint Presentations. So take a look at our presentation-process.com site and browse through the product options. And you’ll be able to find our custom animations pack. Hope you liked our tutorial. If you want to learn more such tutorials, please visit us at presentation-process.com.
The tons of useful articles and videos to help to improve your presentation skills and PowerPoint skills. Thanks a lot for watching the video and happy presenting!
11 سال پیش در تاریخ 1392/07/25 منتشر شده است.
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