Misconception: Jesus won't talk to ME

17.4 هزار بار بازدید - 13 سال پیش - People have this misconception that
People have this misconception that God only talks to pastors, teachers, elders in a church, people who they perceive to be really close to God. But he wouldn't speak to them. But did you know Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with you? He calls everyone, He wants a personal relationship with everyone, the problem is they reject Jesus and they choose not to have a relationship with Him by their actions, maybe not their words but by their actions. If you want to get to know Jesus, get to know HIM. Start praying say, "Jesus I want to get to know you. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear, give me spiritual ears. Let me hear You Lord." And pray this until He speaks to you. If you haven't heard Him, keep on speaking keep on asking keep on knocking until He opens to you. Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to all who seek, but you got to seek Him with your whole life. Not half heartedly, not while l you are just watching tv or on your cell phone. You got to devote yourself to Jesus. Submit yourself to Him say, "Lord I want nothing else but to hear from You." I'm not special guys. Jesus doesn't just speak with me. He speaks and He will speak with anyone who wants to get to know Him. Pastors aren't special, good teachers aren't special. Jesus wants a personal relationship with each and every person but you need to respond to the call. Get on your knees start paying say, "Lord Jesus I want to get to know you." And don't stop praying to Him until He starts revealing Himself to you until HE becomes absolutely real to you. And if you do this people will think you're crazy. Jesus tells us that He will reveal Himself to His children but not to the world. And in the bible it tells us that world will think you're crazy. It says, it will be foolishness to the world, but the breath of life to you. Jesus will give you life, He will give you the words of life. And you will hear Him. And if you are obedient He will continue to speak to you and you will become obedient to Him and be Holy and righteous in His eyes. But you got to listen to Him. You got to become obedient to Him. The world will call you crazy. Just the other day I had a person saying, "You are hearing voices in your head, you got to go see a doctor. You're hearing the Holy Spirit? I don't hear Him. You must be crazy. You might be hearing from a demon." Jesus tells us this will be the world's response because they have neither seen or heard the living GOD. Have you seen, have you heard the Living God? If you haven't, get to know Him on your knees. Say, "Jesus I want to get to know you!" May the grace of Jesus be with you.
13 سال پیش در تاریخ 1390/09/08 منتشر شده است.
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