DC1.3 شرح Sheet1 part1 Digital & Number systems

فولتوينو Voltuino
فولتوينو Voltuino
976 بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - sheet1 digital circuit design chapter1
sheet1 digital circuit design chapter1 Digital Systems and Binary Numbers 1. What is the exact number of bytes in a system that contains (a) 32K bytes, (b) 64M bytes, and (c) 6.4G bytes ? 2. Determine the base of the numbers in each case for the following operations to be correct: (a) 14/2 = 5 (b) 54/4 = 13 (c) 24 + 17 = 40. 3. Convert the hexadecimal number 64CD to binary, and then convert it from binary to octal. 4. Convert the decimal number 431 to binary in two ways: a) convert directly to binary. b) convert first to hexadecimal and then from hexadecimal to binary. Which method is faster? 5. Express the following numbers in decimal: (a) (10110.0101)2 (b) (16.5)16 (c) (26.24)8 (d) (DADA.B)16 (e) (1010.1101)2 6. Convert the following binary numbers to hexadecimal and to decimal: (a) 1.10010, (b) 110.010. Explain why the decimal answer in (b) is 4 times that in (a). 7. Perform the following division in binary: 111011 ÷ 101. 8. Add and multiply the following numbers without converting them to decimal. (a) Binary numbers 1011 and 101. (b) Hexadecimal numbers 2E and 34. 9. Obtain the 1’s and 2’s complements of the following binary numbers: (a) 00010000 (b) 00000000 (c) 11011010 (d) 10101010 (e) 10000101 (f) 11111111. 10. (a) Find the 16’s complement of C3DF. (b) Convert C3DF to binary. (c) Find the 2’s complement of the result in (b). (d) Convert the answer in (c) to hexadecimal and compare with the answer in (a). 11. Perform subtraction on the given unsigned binary numbers using the 2’s complement of the subtrahend. Where the result should be negative, find its 2’s complement and affix a minus sign. (a) 10011 - 10010 (b) 100010 - 100110 (c) 1001-110101 (d) 101000 - 10101 12. Represent the unsigned decimal numbers 791 and 658 in BCD, and then show the steps necessary to form their sum. .. Number Systems (Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal) conversion & math operations (addition, multiplications, division, subtraction) تحويل عدد ممن نظام عشري الى ثنائي, ثماني, سادس عشر تحويل عدد من نظام ثنائي وثماني وسادس عشر الى عشري تحويل ثنائي الى سادس عشر, ثماني تحويل سادس عشر وثماني الى ثنائي جمع الاعداد الثنائية والثمانية والسادس عشر طرح الاعداد الثنائية والثمانية والسادس عشر ضرب الاعداد الثنائية والثمانية والسادس عشر قسمة الاعداد الثنائية والعشرية
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1402/01/03 منتشر شده است.
976 بـار بازدید شده
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