Flutter Clean Architecture Full Course For Beginners - Bloc, Supabase, Hive, GetIt

Rivaan Ranawat
Rivaan Ranawat
161 هزار بار بازدید - 7 ماه پیش - In this 7 hour tutorial,
In this 7 hour tutorial, we will learn about Clean Architecture in Flutter by building a full stack application. We will learn about SOLID Principles and its usage in Clean Architecture, Bloc & Cubit State Management, Supabase, get_it and the need for dependency injection. Prerequisites: Dart & Flutter Basics Flutter version: 3.19.1 Code Reviewer - https://github.com/NonymousMorlock Clean Architecture Image Credits: https://www.seevid.ir/fa/result?ytch=UCSIvrn68cUk8CS8MbtBmBkA 📌 Discord Server - https://discord.gg/Q8Rx8YWFVF Source Code (MAKE IT PUBLIC) - https://github.com/RivaanRanawat/blog-app-clean-architecture Resources: Color Pallete - https://github.com/RivaanRanawat/blog-app-clean-architecture/blob/master/lib/core/theme/app_pallete.dart Build a User Management App Supabase Blog - https://supabase.com/docs/guides/getting-started/tutorials/with-flutter Blog App Design Dribbble - https://dribbble.com/shots/23505046-Blog-app Timestamps (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Introduction (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Creating Project (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) App Flow (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Components of Clean Architecture - Data, Domain & Presentation Layer (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) SOLID Principles + Clean Architecture (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Flutter Clean Architecture Folder Structure (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Signup Page UI (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Form for Signup Page (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Login Page UI & Form (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Domain Layer - AuthRepository (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Supabase Setup (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Data Layer - Auth Remote DataSource (For Sign Up) (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Data Layer - AuthRepository Implementation (For Sign Up) (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) SignUp UseCase (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Auth Bloc (State Management) (For Sign Up) (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Connecting Auth Bloc to UI (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Again, Why Depend on Interface not Implementation? (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) SignUp Feature Manual Testing (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Dependency Injection with get_it (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Creating Postgres Table & Function Trigger - Profiles (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) User Entity & User Model (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Displaying Loading, Failure States in UI (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Same things like before but with Login as feature (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Clean Architecture + SOLID Principles Recap w/ Small Refactoring (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Persisting Auth State with Flutter & Supabase (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) App-wide User (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Refactoring in AuthBloc - CatchAll Loading State (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Clean Architecture For Auth Done (Stop watching if you want) (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) What’s Next? | Blog Feature | Blog Page AppBar (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Add New Blog Page UI (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Flutter Pick Image (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Supabase Create Table - Blogs (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Uploading Blog - BlogModel, Blog Entity, BlogDataSource & BlogDataSourceImpl (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Uploading Blog - Rest of the Clean Architecture + DI + Form (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Displaying Blogs - Clean Architecture (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Blog Card UI (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Calculate Reading Time Dynamically (Regex) + Changing Card Color (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Blog Viewer Page (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Date Formatting using Intl + Scrollbar (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Checking Internet Connection in Flutter (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Internet Connection in Auth + Supabase User Offline + DI (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Flutter Local Storage | Hive (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Bugs & Code Refactoring (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) When not to use Clean Architecture? (https://www.seevid.ir/fa/w/ELFORM9fmss) Conclusion Connect With Me Here: GitHub: https://github.com/rivaanranawat Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rivaan-ranawat Medium: https://namanrivaan.medium.com/ X: https://x.com/RanawatRivaan Instagram: https://instagram.com/optimalcoding
7 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/12/18 منتشر شده است.
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