Kirtan: SONGS OF JOY (MOKSHA divas of Swami Kriyananda) by Narayani and Shurjo

Ananda Sangha Mumbai
Ananda Sangha Mumbai
2.9 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - KIRTAN: SONGS OF JOYMusic by
Music by Swami Kriyananda

I awake in thy light ,
I awake in thy, I am joyful , I am Free, I awake in thy Light.
I awake in thy love , I am joyful I am Free I awake in thy love ,
I awake in thy Joy, I am Joyful I am free I awake in thy Joy

You fill my Heart with Music,
I dance through life with thee ,
I sing thy song and sorrows are gone ,
In Joy I live ever free

There's Joy in the Heavens
There’s joy in the heavens,
A smile on the mountains,
And melody sings everywhere.
The flowers are all laughing
To welcome the morning;
Your soul is as free as the air.
Leave home in the sunshine:
Dance through a meadow—
Or sit by a stream and just be.
The lilt of the water
Will gather your worries
And carry them down to the sea.
Men hunger for freedom,
But don’t see their dungeon
Is only the thought that they’re bound!
Desires are their shackles:
The hope that tomorrow
The doorway to joy will be found.
There’s joy all around us!
Why wait till tomorrow?
We’ve only this moment to live.
A heaven within us
Is ours for the finding,
A freedom no riches can give!

Make Us Channels of Thy Peace
Lord most high our heavenly father,
All our lives we dedicate to Thee:
All our labors, all our joys and woes,
All our pleasure, all our melody.
Make us each a channel of Thy peace:
When in darkness, guide us from above;
Where there’s sorrow may we sow Thy joy;
Where there’s hatred may we share Thy love.

Door of My Heart
Door of my heart, open wide I keep for Thee.
Wilt Thou come, wilt Thou come? just for once come to me?
Will my days fly away without seeing Thee, my Lord?
Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day.
Porta del mio cuor tengo aperta io per Te.
verrai Tu, verrai Tu, una volta vieni a me.
Fugiranno i miei di senza veder Te, O Signor?
Notte e di, notte e di, io Ti cerco notte e di.
Puerta de mi corazon tengo abierta para Ti.
Ven a mi, ven a mi, una vez ven a mi.
Pasaran mis dias, sin verte mi Señor?
Noche y dia, noche y dia, yo Te busco noche y dia.
Jabe kihe dino amar biphale bohye.
Dibi nishi achhi bosi asa-patha nirokhiye.
Hridaya kutiro dwar khola acche anibar.
Daya kore ekobar ese kid jurabe hiye.

I am Free
I own nothing, I am free!
In myself I am free.
I own no one, I am free!
In myself I am free.
I need nothing, I am free!
In myself I am free.
I need no one, I am free!
In myself I am free.
In myself I am free!
In myself I am free!
I am free, ever free!
In myself I am free.
I am joyful, ever free!
In myself I am free.
I am blissful, ever free!
In myself I am free.

#swamikriyananda #anandamumbai #kirtan #music #songsofjoy #divinemusic #narayanishurjo
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/11/27 منتشر شده است.
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