How to Write Professional Emails Quickly | Tutorial

Informative 1
Informative 1
693 بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - How to write a professional
How to write a professional email

Master writing professional emails at workplace within minutes.  The simply tips in this video makes email writing incredibly easy. Don't believe me? Try it yourself.

An email, apart from everything else, should be brief, simple and to the point.

You can be brief by being concise: using only necessary words. You can also be brief by weeding out unnecessary details from your message and being to the point.

Nothing is more important than the naked truth, and nothing more disarming than downright simplicity. Use easy to understand language, and your readers will be grateful.

1. Salutations
You can use many words but it is best to stick to a few and use them consistently. This decreases the chances of typos and other mistakes.

Dear friend,
Dear viewer,
Dear all,
Hi Tim,
Hello, Mark,
Hello, Mr. Shaw:

2. Message
How well you can craft your email has to do with your writing ability in general. However, if you make sure that you aim for clarity rather than trying to sound big or too knowledgeable, you will do fine.

If you are replying to a previous email, you may say: Thanks for your email or thanks for your reply. But you can just say what you want to say right away. Being direct in an email is a virtue so long as you use words which are polite.

The message in an email should usually be one paragraph long. But sometimes you need to compose longer messages. Keep your paragraphs short, two to three sentences or so.

Do not let your readers struggle to find their way in the maze of a paragraph that is ten sentences long.

The actual message should be conveyed quickly. Refrain from writing lengthy prologues with the actual question at the end. Just ask the question and spare your reader the trouble to read your prologues.

Beginning your message with a sentence such as 'I hope you are doing great' or 'hope you are cool' etc. create a sense of friendliness.

The last paragraph of your message can be the following two words: thank you.

Many people are in the nasty habit of using old-fashioned trite phrases such as 'in reference to your previous message', 'in response to your last email', and 'pursuant to our previous correspondence' etc. These sentences by themselves are quite elegant but an email is simply not a place where they belong.

Use simple language in email.

A hateful trend which has pervaded the workplace environment recently is to close an email by saying 'best'. Using best simply means that you do not consider the recipient worth another word!

I strongly discourage using best alone. Just use best regards. It doesn't take time.
After writing your name under best regards, do not put a full stop. Your name should go without a full stop in the closing.

A signature file can be created in most email software and automatically gets added to every outgoing email.

Some people seem to add a mini resume there. I believe that is overdoing it. Just put whatever necessary information you need to put such as your phone number and website and so forth. You do not want to show your insecurities in your email signature!
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