First Impression of Algiers, Algeria With a White American Tourist: Locals, Street Food & History

Al Nomadou | النومادو
Al Nomadou | النومادو
59.7 هزار بار بازدید - پارسال - Algerian Travel Vlog 2/5Just some
Algerian Travel Vlog 2/5
Just some corrections in this Video:
(Ramzi is my friend of 7 years, he is not a guide, I believe had no ill-intension).
1. (4:05) the Ottoman Empire did not colonise Algeria. Algeria was under Ottoman rule, but it was not considered a colony of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans established suzerainty over Algeria in the 16th century, but their control over the region was largely limited to the coastal areas. The interior of Algeria remained largely autonomous and was controlled by various local tribes.

During the Ottoman period, Algeria was part of the larger Ottoman province of the Regency of Algiers, which was governed by Ottoman-appointed officials known as deys. The deys exercised administrative control over the region on behalf of the Ottoman Empire.

2. (07:24) Tattooing practices among North African Amazigh (Berber) women varied across different regions and tribes, and the reasons behind facial tattoos were diverse. While it is difficult to generalize the specific motivations for tattooing, here are some possible reasons that have been suggested:

Cultural Identity: Tattooing could serve as a cultural marker and a way to assert Amazigh identity. It represented a form of traditional beauty and cultural heritage, distinguishing Amazigh women from other groups.

Rite of Passage: Tattooing may have been part of a rite of passage or coming-of-age ritual for young women. The tattoos could symbolise the transition from girlhood to womanhood and signify readiness for marriage or adulthood.

Protection and Healing: Tattoos were believed to have protective and healing properties. Amazigh women may have believed that facial tattoos warded off evil spirits or brought good luck. The tattoos were also thought to have curative powers for certain ailments.

Social Status and Beauty: In some cases, facial tattoos were associated with notions of beauty and social status. Women with elaborate and intricate facial tattoos were often admired and considered more attractive within their communities.

Marriage and Fertility: Tattooing could be connected to marriage and fertility rituals. Some tattoos were believed to enhance a woman's chances of finding a suitable partner or improving her fertility and reproductive capabilities.

It's important to note that tattooing practices among Amazigh women have changed over time, and the tradition has significantly declined in recent decades due to various factors, including cultural assimilation, urbanisation, and changing beauty standards. Today, facial tattoos among Amazigh women are relatively rare, and the tradition is mainly preserved by older generations and in more remote or conservative communities.

3. (14:08) Algeria experienced significant colonisation by European powers in the 19th century. France invaded Algeria in 1830 and gradually established its colonial rule over the country. The French colonisation of Algeria lasted until 1962 (132 years of colonisation) when Algeria gained independence after a long and bloody war of independence.

4. (15:48) I mentioned that 'I Think' there are only 3 countries with Subway Metros in the African Continent, I can only confirm that Algeria and Egypt have Subway Metros (in the African continent), I am yet to visit South Africa. I can also confirm that as of 24/05/2023 Morocco doesn't have a Subway Metro, they do have a nice TGV.

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