百年 故宮 (2024), 乾清宮的歷史 \ 乾清宮的江山社稷金殿 \ 乾清宮的正大光明牌匾奇觀 \ 乾清宮內的壬寅宮變 \ 乾清宮的弘德殿和昭仁殿 #北京 #故宮 #紫禁城 #乾清宮

94 بار بازدید - 6 ماه پیش - 乾清宮象徵中國人心目中的帝星-北極星,明清兩代皆以乾清宮,作為皇帝的寢宮。在這個故宮當中最重要的宮殿-乾清宮,它有許多的象徵物,表示它的神聖性!例如它有〝江山社稷之神〞的金殿、豎立「萬壽燈」和「天燈」的地方。故宮百年故宮故宮 故事故宮紫禁城紫禁城 故宮老北京 老故事老北京故宮北京故宮導覽北京故宮導覽介紹北京故宮自助導覽乾清宮的故事乾清宮的名字是取自於道德經之中,代表「為天有道、星斗不亂、四時有序」。這座宮殿在明代時是皇帝的寢宮,雖然在清代時,它的功能有點改變,但名義上它還是皇帝的正宮,一些重要典禮還是在當中舉辦。進入乾清門之後,會走在一條月臺甬道,月台到了乾清宮前的時候,會變成一個平台,在這個平台上看到嘉量、日晷 龜、鶴等四個物品,在接近中央的兩邊,還能看到四個製工精美的石橔,這些是過年時樹立「萬壽燈」和「天燈」的地方。從天燈座向中央平台兩側,可以看到各有一個金色的小殿宇,西邊叫「江山金殿」、東邊叫「社稷金殿」。這兩個物件雖然非常小,但它們被算入紫禁城的宮殿群中,不過不是給人住,而是給是給〝江山社稷之神〞住的,算是故宮最小的宮殿了。乾清宮的中央高懸著一塊「正大光明」的匾額,是嘉慶臨摹順治筆跡懸掛至今。雍正時期曾經在這塊匾額上設立〝秘密建儲〞制度,也就是將下一任繼位的名字,放入「建儲匣」中藏在「正大光明」的匾額後,等將來打開來看。但真正在匾後取下〝傳位遺詔〞的,僅有乾隆皇帝而已。「正大光明」的匾額下,有五條金龍和皇帝的御座。在這裡有個非常特別的設計,就是冬至這天,陽光直射在北半球的角度最低,所以能射入乾清宮最深處的金磚上,然後反射到龍椅、五條金龍和匾額上,將這些地方籠罩成一片金光之中,使得坐在上面的天子,看起來有著耀眼的光芒、這樣的設計,可以說將天文知識融合上光學、建築,反應到神學上,堪稱建築物上的最佳典範!乾清宮在清-雍正開始,所以改變了它的用途,變成了一個半公務的場所,成為在元旦、冬至和皇帝生日等等,天子在此接見大臣朝賀外,有時賜宴群臣,或者舉辦家庭小宴會也會在這裡。康熙六十一年,康熙在「乾清宮」辦了第2次和第3次的〝千叟宴〞。西元1542年(嘉靖21年10月21日)

故宮 故事
紫禁城 故宮
老北京 老故事


在這個平台上看到嘉量、日晷 龜、鶴等四個物品,在接近中央的兩邊,還能看到四個製工精美的石橔,這些是過年時樹立「萬壽燈」和「天燈」的地方。從天燈座向中央平台兩側,可以看到各有一個金色的小殿宇,西邊叫「江山金殿」、東邊叫「社稷金殿」。這兩個物件雖然非常小,但它們被算入紫禁城的宮殿群中,不過不是給人住,而是給是給〝江山社稷之神〞住的,算是故宮最小的宮殿了。




西元1542年(嘉靖21年10月21日) ,在乾清宮中發生了一件驚世駭俗的「壬寅宮變」,


The name of Qianqing Palace is taken from the Tao Te Ching, which means "there is a way for the sky, the stars are not chaotic, and the four seasons are orderly". This palace was the emperor's bedroom during the Ming Dynasty. Although its function changed a bit during the Qing Dynasty, it was still nominally the emperor's main palace, and some important ceremonies were still held in it. For example, the emperor's funeral must be held here. , called sleeping.

After we enter the Qianqing Gate, we will walk on a platform corridor. When the platform reaches the Qianqing Palace, it will become a platform.
On this platform, in addition to four objects such as Jia Liang, a sundial, a turtle, and a crane, which represent eternal wear and unification of the world, you can also see four exquisitely crafted stone urns on both sides near the center. These are the symbols of Chinese New Year. The place where "longevity lanterns" and "sky lanterns" are erected. From the sky lantern base to both sides of the central platform, you can see a small golden palace on each side. The west side is called "Jiangshan Golden Palace" and the east side is called "Sheji Golden Palace". Although these two objects are very small, they are included in the palace complex of the Forbidden City. However, they are not for people to live in, but for the "God of Rivers, Mountains, Sheji," and they are considered the smallest palaces in the Forbidden City.

In the center of the Qianqing Palace hangs a plaque with the words "upright and upright", which was copied from Shunzhi's handwriting during Jiaqing and hangs to this day. During the Yongzheng period, a "secret storage box" system was established on this plaque, which meant that the name of the next successor would be placed in the "building storage box" and hidden behind the "upright and bright" plaque, so that it could be opened in the future. However, this method does not seem to work very well. The only person who actually removed the "Edict of Succession" behind the plaque was Emperor Qianlong.

Under the "upright and bright" plaque, there are five golden dragons and the emperor's throne. There is a very special design here. On the winter solstice, the direct sunlight has the lowest angle in the northern hemisphere, so it can shine into the deepest gold bricks of the Qianqing Palace, and then reflect on the dragon chair, five golden dragons and plaques, making these places It was shrouded in golden light, making the emperor sitting on it look so dazzling that no one dared to look at it! This kind of design can be said to integrate astronomical knowledge into optics, architecture, and reflect theology. It can be called the best example of architecture!

The Qianqing Palace started in the Qing Dynasty - Yongzheng period, so it changed its purpose and became a semi-official place. It became a place where the emperor received ministers and congratulated them on New Year's Day, Winter Solstice, the emperor's birthday, etc., and sometimes gave banquets to the ministers. Or you can hold a small family banquet here. In the 61st year of Kangxi's reign, Kangxi held the second and third "Thousands of Old Banquets" in the "Qianqing Palace".

In 1542 AD (October 21, the 21st year of Jiajing), a shocking "Renyin Palace Incident" occurred in the Qianqing Palace.
That was when Yang Jinying and 16 other maids joined forces to murder Emperor Jiajing!

There are a group of small enclosed areas on each side of the Qianqing Palace. To the west is the "Hongde Hall", where the emperor handled government affairs and studied. On the right is the "Zhaoren Hall", which became the emperor's personal collection of books during the Qing Dynasty.
6 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/10/23 منتشر شده است.
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