Infinity SciFi
Infinity SciFi
14.3 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - What if Celtic DIDN'T DIE

During the events of 2004’s Alien versus Predator, it was the Predator leader, Celtic, who led his two brothers Scar and Chopper, on their tribal initiation to hunt and kill their first Xenomorph prey.
This ancient centurial ritual was the right of passage each new clan member had to pass in order to become a Blooded Warrior, meaning they would be considered adults within their society, and would also earn the hunters’ most powerful weapon, the Plasmacaster.
On this hunt however, the three were unsuccessful, although Scar did technically become Blooded, he would die shortly after.
Celtic was the second of the three to die, after battling the Xenomorph, Grid.
But what if this didn’t happen? And perhaps instead it was him who killed Grid, or if the Xenomorph had retreated instead of continuing its attack, so Celtic doesn’t die at this point in the movie.

Well, if he killed the Xenomorph, obviously the first thing he would have done is mark himself and his biomask with the blood, making Celtic an official Blooded Predator, and he would have been the first to do this, as Scar hadn’t yet done it at this point.
After that, he would have to find his way out of that pit with all the Human remains in it, which must have been where they dumped all the ancient civilisation people who had sacrificed themselves.
He may or may not have gone back to find Chopper, and check if he was actually dead or not. I wonder what they would do with the body of one of the other Predators that had been killed, whether they’d just leave it, or maybe like
we saw in AVPR when Wolf finds the crashed Scout-ship, he looks like he pays respect, then he implodes the ship, perhaps in their backpack with their medicomp,
they might have some of that blue liquid from AVPR, and they could use that to dissolve a dead Predator if one of their group is killed in the pyramid, which would be better then just leaving a sibling there to rot;
The three Predators in this movie are normally referred to as “brothers” so I’m not sure if that means they are literal brothers, or if it means more spiritually like they are clan-brothers, just meaning they are from the same group, but not literally related to each other.
While we don’t see Scar discovering either of the other Predator’s bodies in the movie, he must have known they were dead, as he sets his self-destruct going, but I wonder what he actually did with them, whether he’d have to dispose of the bodies somehow, or if he’d just have to leave them there.
Perhaps if Scar hadn’t blown up the pyramid, the Predators on the ship would have had to “clean-up” the area, and kill the remaining Xenomorphs, and then they would retrieve the bodies while doing that.
So then after that Celtic would have probably gone on to regroup with Scar.
There are a couple of possibilities that could have happened if he met up with Scar again.
Would he have seen that Scar was impregnated with an Alien?
Well, in the movie, despite the clan members at the end not knowing he had a Chestburster in him, this was because they weren’t wearing Biomasks, but in the part where they find Sebastian,
Scar can see the Chestburster inside him with his Biomask vision, so it would be likely that upon meeting back up with Scar, Celtic would have noticed he had an Alien inside him.
So then would he have to kill Scar to prevent the Chestburster being born? Or would they be able to remove it when they got back to their ship?
Obviously the two working together would have a better chance of survival, but then again if they weren’t quick enough to reach the surface
and a PredAlien were to be born it would alone serve as a death-sentence for Celtic.
If they did team up Scar wouldn’t have sided with Lex, and she would have died alongside all the other Humans.
Although in a lot of material, it is stated that after surgical removal of a Chestburster, the host will still die shortly afterwards, as during the process of the Aliens development, it alters the DNA of the host as the infant Alien is created by restructuring their cells, this process will typically leave behind illnesses such as cancer.
The only successful time in the movies a Xenomorph has been successfully removed was in Alien Resurrection, but Ripley 8 had inherited the Xenomorphs advanced healing abilities as a side-effect of the cloning process.
Whether or not a Yautja may have sufficient healing abilities to recover after the removal, or if their medical technology is advanced enough to cure any such illness is not confirmed.
In an earlier version of the script, after the Queen impales Scar, the dying Predator realises there is a Chestburster inside him and tries to stab himself in the chest.

#avp #alien #predator
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/08/29 منتشر شده است.
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