1 میلیون بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - Reciting Surah Mulk has more
Reciting Surah Mulk has more benefits than you could believe. It not only provides protection in this life and hereafter but will protect you in-between. In a hadith, it was mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended to read Surah Mulk every night before going to bed.
al-Mulk is the 67th chapter of the Quran, comprising 30 verses. The surah emphasizes that no individual can impose his will on another; he may only guide and set an example Surah Mulk Benefits and Virtues.
The Holy Quran is compiled in 114 surahs called chapters. All chapters of the Quran have specific blessings and benefits. One such blessed surah is the 67th chapter of the Quran, Surah Al-Mulk. Al-Mulk means “The Kingdom” or “The Sovereignty” of Allah (SWT). It is a Makki surah in 29th Para of the Quran comprising 30 verses. This surah mainly focuses on affirming the Oneness (Tauheed) of Allah (SWT) and strengthening the faith of believers.
Surah Al-Mulk belongs to the seventh group of surahs starting from this surah till the end of the Quran the theme of this group is an admonition to the ..
The Holy Quran is compiled in 114 surahs called chapters. All chapters of the Quran have specific blessings and benefits. One such blessed surah is the 67th chapter of the Quran, Surah Al-Mulk. Al-Mulk means “The Kingdom”or “The Sovereignty” of Allah (SWT).
It is a Makki surah in 29th Para of the Quran comprising 30 verses. This surah mainly focuses on affirming the
Oneness (Tauheed) of Allah (SWT) and strengthening the faith of believers.
Asbab al-nuzul of Surah Al-Mulk
Surah Al-Mulk belongs to the seventh group of surahs starting from this surah till the end of the Quran. The theme of this group is an admonition to the leadership of the Quraysh, about the aftermath of the world hereafter and conveying the good news to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) of the dominion of the truth in Arabia.
In surah Al-Mulk, the Quraysh are warned of their actions and fate on the Day of Judgement if they deny the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). It mainly deals with the belief in Allah (SWT) and His Oneness and divine power of intense verbally. It was also revealed about the idolaters who used to calu Gabriel (ﷺ) informed him about them and the things with which they slandered him. Some of them used to say to others: “Lower your voices in case Muhammad’s Allah hears you”.
Allah (SWT) has mentioned in this surah about the sins of disbelievers and the forgiveness and reward for those who repent their wrong actions and seek refuge in Him.

Surah Mulk Benefits and Virtues
One who recites the surah Al-Mulk will be rewarded on the Day of Judgement. It is the protector of its reciter in this world and the world hereafter.
Regarding the multiple blessings of its recitation, Imam Ahmad (ﷺ ) narrates from Abu Hurairah (ﷺ ) that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “Verily, there is a surah in the Quran containing thirty verses that will intercede on behalf of its reciter until he is forgiven and entered to Jannah.”
ncrease the attention in prayer and strengthen the belief in its spiritual benefits and cure. Concerning the importance of Surah Al-Mulk, Abdullah Ibn-e-Abbas (ﷺ ) reported that the Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) said:
“I wish that this Surah (Al-Mulk) could be in the heart of every believer.”
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) recommended reciting the surah Al-Mulk every night before going to bed because it prevents the punishment of the grave.
Abdullah Ibn-e-Mas’ood (May Allah be pleased with Him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “When angels will come to the man in his grave after his death; they will come to his feet and his feet will say: ‘You have no power over me as he used to recite surah Al-Mulk.’ Then they will come to his chest or stomach and it will say: ‘You have no power over me as he used to recite surah Al-Mulk.’ Then they will come to his head and it will say the same.
So it is the protector against the punishment of the grave.
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/06/18 منتشر شده است.
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