Nixons China Game | American Experience | History Is Ours

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1 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - Nixons China Game | American
Nixons China Game | American Experience | US History Documentary

In January 1969, just a week into his presidency, Richard Nixon set in motion a secret plan that would reverberate through the White House and throughout the world. After two decades of stony silence between the United States and China, broken only by harsh insults and acrimonious accusations, Nixon wanted to end what he called China’s angry isolation. Together with his National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, the president developed an elaborate scheme to open diplomatic relations between the two nations. The covert operation would culminate in a series of events Nixon would later call "the week that changed the world." As Beijing celebrated a half-century of Communist rule and relations between China and the United States remained so tense, this US history documentary tells the true story of an operation so secret that it managed to elude the international press, the members of Nixon’s cabinet, and even the US State Department. The film also features never before seen footage of Kissinger’s secret mission to China, newly released transcripts of the negotiations, private diaries, Nixon’s own handwritten notes, and interviews with American and Chinese officials, including those who were in on the covert plan, and those who were kept in the dark. This extraordinary episode in US foreign relations is developed with new detail. Moment by moment, this clandestine process, code-named Marco Polo, is revealed through interviews with former National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig, Secretary of State Bill Rogers, and Chinese diplomats. The story unfolds in surprising places and in unexpected ways: a disco-themed fashion show at the Yugoslavian Embassy in Warsaw, an unanticipated invitation to visit China extended to an American ping-pong team and a banquet in Pakistan, a nation friendly to both the United States and China, where the secret plan was put into action. While a decoy stood in for Kissinger in one location, the real Kissinger headed for a military airfield, where a jet waited to spirit him to China. He had just forty-eight hours to lay the groundwork for the president’s visit to China. But in his haste, Kissinger had forgotten to pack extra clothing, he wore a borrowed shirt ironically made in Taiwan throughout his mission. The delegation worked through the night to find the right words to announce the historic event. Winston Lord, a member of Kissinger’s small China team recalls, the Chinese wanted to make a brief announcement to say President Nixon was dying to go to China, and we’re gracious enough to let him come. The United States wanted to say China would like to have Nixon come and that he's delighted to accept their invitation. The announcement to the world came on July 15, 1971, at news conferences held simultaneously in Washington and Beijing. Reaction was swift. Taiwan’s ambassador accused Nixon of selling out his country, America’s longtime ally. Nixon tried to reassure Taiwan and quiet the critics within his own party. He persuaded conservative leader Barry Goldwater to support the trip, and sent California Governor Ronald Reagan to explain the new policy to Taiwan’s leader, Chiang Kai-shek. In the Soviet Union, the news hit the Central Committee "like a bolt from the blue," says Georgii Arbatov. "My colleagues said America will be China’s ally when Nixon visits Beijing, anything could happen. Where will it end?"

On February 21, 1972, Richard Nixon set out on his historic trip to China, accompanied by a hand-picked group of journalists and television crews. Nixon wanted a television spectacular say's writer Stanley Karnow. It was an election year and he wanted to advertise his great triumph. Americans who had shared the president’s historic journey on television, supported Nixon’s breakthrough. Gradually, the success of Nixon’s new course could be seen in the signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, in China’s new place in the world community, even in Taiwan’s economic health. But within months, Nixon’s journey to China was overshadowed by the WATERGATE scandal that began to unfold which would eventually bring down his presidency.

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2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/09/12 منتشر شده است.
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