682.6 هزار بار بازدید - 8 سال پیش - Not Sponsored! Felt obligated to
Not Sponsored! Felt obligated to let the mass public know, nobody told me to make this. I made it because I wanted to and loved every ounce of it. Same goes for just about every other video I have EVER made. The comments have been disabled on current videos because I want to have a formal apology and talk to you all. I'll write up a little synopsis because I enjoy writing little monologs and speeches, it's something other than gaming that I find a lot of passion in. I'm well aware of how aflutter my comment sections have been, I'm very much aware of how sincerely upset many of you are. I'm not here to hurt you guys, I'm here to bring you some source of happiness. It's pretty hard to create content in which you want to bestow some gleam on others, while you, yourself, can barely gleam in the mirror. I've suffered from pretty hefty mental health issues, none that I would classify into a category, but I am well aware that something was not right. It didn't stem from Youtube, I really find happiness in creating content, even editing is a blast for me. Honestly, I'm not 100% sure of what made me fall into what I did. I have experienced some lethargic feels from even the way I was eating. I'LL NEVER EAT MEAT AND CHEESE AND STUFF AGAIN BUT KNOW I DID HAVE TO SWITCH MY FORM OF A PLANT BASED DIET AROUND. Yes, I even forgot to eat, it was that intense for me. I didn't realize it either. I've always been stronger than many believe, you'd really have to come spend a couple of days with me to witness - me. I'm pulling myself out of a chapter of sorrow and confusion in my novel of life. I'm very much in a better place, everyday especially when I make Youtube videos, I feel myself and better. You guys get a big chunk of my personality, I am very outspoken and not afraid to sound silly. I haven't talked about really myself too much lately, therefore people come to conclusions on subjects they have little to no context on. My personal life has been drawn into the comments section, I haven't really paid too much mind to those, simply because everyone in my personal life is nothing short of phenomenal. I think about how blessed I am to have the family and friends I do (you guys are apart of that too, heh) My personal life is unapologetically lame. I don't have this wild social life that many may think I run away from Youtube to. I don't, my social life is very small and cozy, it's how I like it. Literally, my friends are down to watch me play video games. I'm still very much so a people person, I have a lot of acquaintances and totally willing to befriend anyone. I'm just saying it takes A LOT to get me to a party, it's just not my typical scene. I'm very much a 'dinner date and car ride talk' kinda gal. For awhile, I was really caught between what I would assume was some form of sorrow and still trying really hard to make others happy, people IRL. Liked I stated, I AM SASSY AND OUTSPOKEN. I know how to put someone in their place (including myself) and I can say no, especially to peer pressure and simply me not wanting to eat at a certain restaurant. However, I was finding it oddly hard to distance myself from those who just picked fights with me, just to do it. People who would make me feel bad about myself, just to do it. I can read people, I know exactly what's going on. I just couldn't for some reason, pull away. Thankfully throughout all of this, I have learned a bit more about myself, strength and weaknesses. I have restored the creativity I once felt I was lacking, I know the content I have in my mind will be great. I haven't even shared some of the content I have created because I feel bad for you guys, this isn't about me, this is about you guys. I never once thought about quitting, nope. I can pull up my planner and notebooks, you guys can see the amount of writing and planning I ALWAYS DO. Videos or not, I always think about you guys. I plan on creating fun content on this channel for you guys, but I also want to do something great for the world. I feel it coming, I feel something wonderful. It's an odd feeling. I want to be more personal with you all too. Feel free to send me an email, I try really hard to respond to emails, know I do read them all! Feel free to send a response to this little speech thing, feel free to send video ideas, feel free to even message me about personal subjects that you may want some guidance with! It's going to take time for me to build your trust again, I owe it to you all. Believe me, I don't feel bad for myself, I feel for you guys. I'm excited to bring you guys some happiness. If you can't accept my apology, completely understandable! That's fine too! I owe you guys a lot of content. SO, STAY TUNED! Lots of love. xoxox. If you'd like to send me an email regarding ANYTHING feel free to send it to // [email protected] // I'll be responding to many emails tonight so don't be shy!
8 سال پیش در تاریخ 1395/11/04 منتشر شده است.
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