How to Play PS or PSX games on PSP Custom Firmware 5.00M33 using POPS Loader SEplugin

Rob Papallo
Rob Papallo
12.2 هزار بار بازدید - 15 سال پیش - This is a video on
This is a video on how to install the SEplugin POPS loader for Custom Firmware (CFW) 5.00 M33 or GEN. This SEplugin enables you to play PSX (PS1) emulation on your PSP without an emulator.

After Downloading the file i provide, take the pops.prx and drag and drop it into the ms0:/seplugins folder on the PSP Memory Stick (MS). Now after that either drag and drop the pop.txt document into the seplugins folder as well or just make a new one and type in it ms0:/seplugins/pops.prx 1 and your done. Then just go to the RECOVERY menu and enable the plugin.


Note* You need to be on CFW 5.00 in order to use this.

15 سال پیش در تاریخ 1388/10/13 منتشر شده است.
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