ESO - Magicka Dragonknight 129.6k PvE DPS Build - (U41, Scions of Ithelia)

19.1 هزار بار بازدید - - Runecarver is back! After a
Runecarver is back! After a change to the way runecarver procs burning, the set is looking as strong as ever on multiple classes. Dk is no exception. The first parse shown is a runecarver/rele parse and the second is the rele/aegis/zaan setup from update 40. Both are very close in damage and likely can hit 130+ with lucky crits/status effect procs. It's definitely looking like a double charged front bar meta for single target encounters in update 41 on a couple of different classes. On top of this, if there is plenty of burning damage present, you can replace the burning enchant for an absorb stamina enchant providing additional sundered damage/uptime. The second parse was done with a burning enchant, but would be higher if that was replaced with an absorb stamina glyph. I would redo the parse, but it's time to enter week two of the pts and move on to test other classes.

The reason for the likely meta change is Zos reworking how status effects work (such as buffing sundered's damage and giving it a 100 weap/spell dmg buff while active). Status effects now do more damage across the board (except burning which was slightly nerfed), but along side this, the charged weapon trait was nerfed. In order to take full advantage of the increased status effect damage, double charged daggers are used.

As of right now, it's looking like a battle between dk and arcanist to be the top dps class within trial content. Both have their strengths and it'll be interesting to see if one will prevail over the other in time with more testing and time within content. Perhaps a dark horse class will enter the conversation as well? Only time will tell.

Race: High elf (dark elf very close)
Mundus: Thief
Food: Green Max Mag
Pots: Heroism

Parse 1: Rele/Runecarver
Build Info:

Parse 2: Rele/Zaan/Aegis
Build Info:

Sustain is easier then its been in several patches due to the change in dk's combustion passive. You should have little issue sustaining green food. If you would rather not use ulti pots, then just use tri pots for a few k dps loss.

I do believe that baring any changes, that runecarver will be very good within content on longer fights where you have time to build up procs. It will even be good on short fights if you can prebuff a bunch of aoe dots. Remember that aoe dots tick every second, while single target "sticky dots" tick every two seconds. This means that aoe dots provide more runecarver procs then sticky dots. Keep this in mind when choosing your skills in content.

If you are using aegis, the proc is strong enough that you want to keep it up on cooldown. Since stampede is an instant crit, it procs aegis every singe time. The timer on stampede is a bit longer then the cooldown for aegis, meaning that you have to recast stampede a bit early in order to proc it on cooldown. Since stampede's upfront hit isn't too bad, this isnt really that big of a damage loss and the maximum uptime on aegis is definitely a net gain. This can be a bit tricky though, because if you proc aegis with something other then stampede, then the timer will be thrown off a bit and it won't line up with your next stampede cast. So it's best to try and time your dots up so that the only thing procing aegis is your stampede for the guarenteed proc. Nothing worse then trying to proc it with a backbar cast of eruption or something and have it not proc at all, leaving you with 7 additional seconds of aegis downtime before the next stampede is within refresh range.

Thank you all for watching! Week 2 doesn't usually bring any major combat changes so I will just continue on the course of trying other classes. Can't wait to see what changes happen in the weeks to come!
55 سال پیش در تاریخ 1403/04/17 منتشر شده است.
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