WRAP Iran, Kashmir, Pakistan protests against Iraq dome destruction

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78.8 هزار بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش - (24 Feb 2006) SHOTLIST Tehran,
(24 Feb 2006) SHOTLIST
Tehran, Iran
1. Wide of protesters marching in a demonstration against attack on Shiite Askariya shrine in Samarra and against America and the West and Israel
2. Wide of women at demonstration
3. Close up of women crying and beating themselves
4. Wide of demonstrators holding posters and chanting "Down with America"
5. Close up of poster reading:"Oh West! Fear the justice of Almighty God"
6. Wide of demonstration
7. Wide of women chanting slogans at demonstration
8. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Ali Larijani, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator and head of the country's Supreme National Security Council:
"The United States and Zionists take advantage of this incident aimed at making division between Shias and Sunnis. There were some signs from before, proving this idea. In my opinion the root of this incident lies in making divisions between Shias and Sunnis by America and Israel."
9. Mid of Ali Larijani (left) and Ayatollah Emami Kashani, leader of Friday Prayers in Tehran (right) at the demonstration
10. Wide of demonstration in Enqelab Square, in the centre of Tehran
11. Mid of poster reading: "US hands off Muslim lands"
12. Medium of scarecrow representing Uncle Sam (the US) being carried by protester
13. Wide of demonstration showing massive crowd
14. Wide of Ayatollah Emami Kashani, leader of Friday Prayers in Tehran walking towards the podium
15. Demonstrators chanting "Down with America"
16. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Ayatollah Emami Kashani, leader of Friday Prayers in Tehran:
"The disgraceful president of America wishes to begin crusades by such attacks but they should know that their wish will not be fulfilled. Such actions are aimed at beginning crusades. These are all their plots."
17. Wide of Ayatollah Emami Kashani at podium
Srinagar, Indian-administered Kashmir
18. Various wide shots of demonstration against destruction of Shiite shrine and against the US, protesters chanting anti-US slogans
19. Protester holding banner showing Shia leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader  
20. Mid of protesters chanting anti-US slogans
21. Protesters beating effigy of US President George W. Bush amidst anti-US chants  
22. Demonstrators holding up burning effigy
23. Protesters clapping and shouting anti-US slogans
24. Mid of protesters beating their chests in traditional gesture of mourning (at loss of shrine)
25. Various of chanting
26. Another effigy of Bush wearing red T-shirt being burnt
27. Mid of protesters beating the effigy with sticks
28. Various wide shots of trucks carrying protesters  
29. Wide of crowd of around four thousand Shia protesters marching through the city
30. Mid shot rally, people chant and raise arms
31. Mid shot of posters, one reading "Hate America"
32. People standing on the Danish and US flags
33. Flags being burnt
34. People standing around the burning flags chanting slogans
35. People stamping on the burning flags
36. Various of security forces
37. Various of protestors
38. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Syed Abdul Jalil Naqvi, Shiite cleric from the Tehrik-e-Jafria Pakistan organisation:
"We demand of these (international) institutions of justice, those institutions of justice which do not do justice, to explain those killings (in Iraq) and also give an explanation for the desecration of our sacred sites."
39. Wide of protestors chanting
Outrage amongst Shiite communities outside Iraq at the attacks on the Askariya shrine in Samarra in Iraq continued on Friday.
"In my opinion the root of this incident lies in making divisions between Shias and Sunnis by America and Israel," Larijani said.

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