Break The Snow
Break The Snow
87.9 هزار بار بازدید - 5 سال پیش - #onionjuicehairgrowth
#onionjuicehairgrowth #onionjuicestore #onionjuicehairregrowth #onionjuicebaldness
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So many people have asked me if we can store and reuse onion juice, as it is difficult to extract onion juice every time, as it causes lot of tears every time.

In this video, I am going to show you how we will store, preserve Onion juice and use it whenever we need. Note, it is always best to use fresh onion juice, but even the stored onion juice works the same way.
Take one big onion. Usually one onion is enough for 2 times usage.
Pure honey. Lime or Lemon. Lime juice acts as preservative to keep onion juice fresh for long time.
One fully airtight container. Air tight container keeps onion juice fresh and prevents any bad odor from leaking.
Lets see how to make Onion juice for storage.
1. Chop Onion into small pieces.
2. Grind the Onions into a thick paste in a blender or Mixer.
3. Take this thick Onion paste into a fully airtight container.
4. Now add 1 spoon of pure honey to this.
In a separate bowl, squeeze lemon juice.
Add 1 spoon of lemon juice into the Onion juice. Mix all the contents thoroughly.
Now the Onion Juice is ready to store.
Close the lid of the air tight jar and keep it in the refrigerator. This remains fresh for 2 weeks. You have to use this only for topical application for hair growth.
Whenever you need to apply Onion juice to hair, just take stored Onion juice from the fridge. Open the airtight jar.  Take required quantity of Onion juice into a bowl.
After that, close the lid and keep the jar back into the fridge.
Apply the Onion juice all over the hair using a hair dye brush. Leave it on for 1 hour and wash it away with Shampoo.

This way you can preserve, store and reuse Onion juice anytime you need.

Onion Juice promotes hair growth, here is the summary

This is the cheapest and most effective remedy for hair regrowth. Onion is rich in dietary sulfur, which is most effective in building strong hair. The sulfur from onions promote collagen, which in turn helps to produce healthy skin cells and hair growth. There are several studies which prove that onions improve hair growth.
Grate 1 big onion into juice and mix 1 tablespoon of castor oil. Mix this solution very well and apply to your scalp. Leave it on for 1 to 2 hours and wash it off. Apply this at least once a week.

Music: https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free , https://www.bensound.com

The images are referred from

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5 سال پیش در تاریخ 1398/01/16 منتشر شده است.
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