学中文-生病受伤 | sickness illness injury symptom in Chinese Mandarin | 汉语疾病症状 | Chinese sickness & symptom

7.7 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - #中文疾病症状 #学汉语生病
#中文疾病症状 #学汉语生病 #sickinChinese You can learn the vocabulary and sentence about sickness & symptom in Mandarin Chinese. The vocabulary is as below. 生病 shēng bìng be sick, ill 她生病了,今天没来学校。tā shēng bìng le jīn tiān méi lái xué xiào She is sick today and didn't come to school. 不舒服 bù shū fu not feeling well 他最近身体有点儿不舒服。tā zuì jìn shēn tǐ yǒu diǎnr bù shū fu Recently he hasn't been feeling very well. 头疼 tóu téng headache 我头疼得厉害。wǒ tóu téng de lì hài I have a serious headache. 头晕 tóu yūn dizzy 我觉得头晕,没力气。wǒ jué de tóu yūn ,méi lì qì I feel very dizzy and have no strength. 肚子疼 dù zi téng stomach ache, abdominal pain 吃饭后,我开始觉得肚子疼。chī fàn hòu ,wǒ kāi shǐ jué de dù zi téng After having the meal, I began to feel stomach ache. 拉肚子 lā dù zi diarrhea 每次喝牛奶,我都会拉肚子。měi cì hē niú nǎi ,wǒ dōu huì lā dù zi Every time I drink milk, I get diarrhea 咳嗽 ké sòu cough 他整个晚上都在咳嗽。tā zhěng ge wǎn shàng dōu zài ké sòu He kept coughing all the night. 感冒 gǎn mào cold 我好像感冒了。wǒ hǎo xiàng gǎn mào le I feel like I’ve got a cold. 流感 liú gǎn flu 得了流感,我不得不在家休息。dé le liú gǎn ,wǒ bù dé bù zài jiā xiū xi Since getting the flu, I had to rest at home. 嗓子疼 sǎng zi téng sore throat 你嗓子疼不疼? nǐ sǎng zi téng bù téng Does your throat hurt? 流鼻涕 liú bí tì runny nose 我一直流鼻涕。wǒ yì zhí liú bí tì I keep a runny nose 发烧 fā shāo fever 孩子发烧了,妈妈给她量体温。háizi fā shāo le ,māma gěi tā liáng tǐ wēn The kid has a fever, mom is taking temperature for her. 打喷嚏 dǎ pēn tì sneeze 他打了好几个喷嚏。tā dǎ le hǎo jǐ gè pēn tì He sneezed several times. 吐 tù vomit 他们晕车了,一路上吐了很多次。 tāmen yùn chē le, yílù shàng tùle hěn duō cì They got motion sickness and vomited many times along the way. 恶心 ě xīn nauseous 她突然感到恶心,很想吐。 tā tū rán gǎndào ě xīn hěn xiǎng tù She suddenly felt nauseous, wanted to vomit. 流血 liú xiě bleeding 他的手指流血了。tā de shǒu zhǐ liú xiě le His finger is bleeding. 牙疼 yá téng toothache 我一喝冰水,就牙疼。 wǒ yì hē bīng shuǐ ,jiù yá téng As long as I drink ice water, my tooth ache 肿 zhǒng swelling, swollen 她的腿肿起来了。tā de tuǐ zhǒng qǐ lái le Her leg swelled up . 骨折 gǔ zhé fracture 他打篮球时摔倒了,腿骨折了。tā dǎ lánqiú shí shuāi dǎo le ,tuǐ gǔ zhé le He fell down while playing basketball, his leg was broken. 哮喘 xiào chuǎn asthma 她有哮喘,不能进行剧烈运动。 tā yǒu xiào chuǎn ,bù néng jìn xíng jù liè yùn dòng She has asthma and cannot do strenuous exercise. 过敏 guò mǐn allergy 她对动物的毛过敏。tā duì dòngwù de máo guòmǐn She is allergic to animal hair. 消化不良 xiāo huà bù liáng indigestion 吃了很多油腻的东西,我有点儿消化不良。 chī le hěn duō yóu nì de dōng xi ,wǒ yǒu diǎnr xiāo huà bù liáng After eating many greasy foods, I have a little indigestion 食物中毒 shí wù zhòng dú food poisoning 吃不新鲜的东西,容易食物中毒。 chī bù xīn xiān de dōng xi ,róng yì shí wù zhòng dú Eating stale food is prone to food poisoning. 晕倒 yūn dǎo fall in a faint 她晕倒在地上了。tā yūn dǎo zài dì shàng le 。She fainted on the ground 发炎 fā yán inflame 注意不要让伤口发炎。 zhù yì bú yào ràng shāng kǒu fā yán Be careful not to inflame the wound. 传染 chuán rǎn infect 戴好口罩,小心被传染。dài hǎo kǒu zhào ,xiǎo xīn bèi chuán rǎn Wear a mask, be careful to avoid be infected. Hope this video would be helpful for your Chinese learning!
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/12/17 منتشر شده است.
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