Clean Architecture | Domain Layer | Part 2

DotNet Real world example
DotNet Real world example
840 بار بازدید - پارسال - Clean Architecture | Domain Layer|
Clean Architecture | Domain Layer| Part 2 Clean Architecture | Setup Project Structure | Part 1    • Clean Architecture | Setup Project St...   Clean Architecture repo Create minimal api .net 7 | Get | Post | Delete | Put | CURD Operation    • Create minimal api .net 7 | Get | Pos...   Create web api .net 7 (Controller-based) | Create | Update | Read | Delete | Operation    • Create web api .net 7 (Controller-bas...   Clean Architecture is a software design pattern that aims to create a modular and maintainable codebase by separating concerns and dependencies. It promotes the separation of concerns through multiple layers and enforces boundaries between them. In this response, I'll provide an overview of Clean Architecture principles and show you a sample code structure in .NET 7. Clean Architecture Principles: Separation of Concerns: The codebase is divided into distinct layers, each with its own responsibilities and concerns. Dependency Rule: Dependencies flow inward, meaning outer layers do not depend on inner layers. This allows for easy replacement or modification of components. Abstraction over Implementation: Interfaces and abstractions are used to define contracts, decoupling high-level modules from low-level details. Testability: The architecture facilitates unit testing by enabling isolated testing of components at different levels. Independence of Frameworks: The core business logic is not dependent on any specific framework or library, making it more portable and maintainable. Sample Code Structure: Here's an example of a sample code structure in .NET 7 based on Clean Architecture principles: Presentation Layer (Web/API) This layer interacts with the user and handles HTTP requests and responses. It depends on the Application layer. It contains controllers, view models, and other UI-related components. Application Layer This layer contains application-specific business logic and coordinates interactions between the Presentation and Domain layers. It depends on the Domain layer. It contains use cases, application services, and mappers. Domain Layer This layer represents the core business logic of the application. It is independent of other layers and contains domain models, entities, interfaces, and domain services. Infrastructure Layer This layer provides implementations for external dependencies, such as databases, external services, or third-party libraries. It depends on the Domain and Application layers. It contains data access implementations, repositories, external service clients, and other infrastructure-specific components. Clean Architecture with .NET Core: Getting Started POSTED ON FEBRUARY 5, 2020 BY JASON TAYLOR Over the past two years, I’ve travelled the world teaching programmers how to build enterprise applications using Clean Architecture with .NET Core. I started by providing a sample solution using the iconic Northwind Traders database. Recently, I’ve developed a new Clean Architecture Solution Template for .NET Core. This post provides an overview of Clean Architecture and introduces the new Clean Architecture Solution Template, a .NET Core Project template for building applications based on Angular, ASP.NET Core 3.1, and Clean Architecture. Let’s start with an overview of Clean Architecture. Overview With Clean Architecture, the Domain and Application layers are at the centre of the design. This is known as the Core of the system. The Domain layer contains enterprise logic and types and the Application layer contains business logic and types. The difference is that enterprise logic could be shared across many systems, whereas the business logic will typically only be used within this system. Core should not be dependent on data access and other infrastructure concerns so those dependencies are inverted. This is achieved by adding interfaces or abstractions within Core that are implemented by layers outside of Core. For example, if you wanted to implement the Repository pattern you would do so by adding an interface within Core and adding the implementation within Infrastructure. All dependencies flow inwards and Core has no dependency on any other layer. Infrastructure and Presentation depend on Core, but not on one another. Independent of frameworks it does not require the existence of some tool or framework Testable easy to test – Core has no dependencies on anything external, so writing automated tests is much easier Independent of UI logic is kept out of the UI so it is easy to change to another technology – right now you might be using Angular, soon Vue, eventually Blazor! Independent of the database data-access concerns are cleanly separated so moving from SQL Server to CosmosDB or otherwise is trivial Independent of anything external in fact, Core is completely isolated from the outside world – the difference between a system that will last 3 years, and one that will last 20 years I
پارسال در تاریخ 1402/04/13 منتشر شده است.
840 بـار بازدید شده
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