Marmara Müzik
Marmara Müzik
1 میلیون بار بازدید - 7 سال پیش - Sixties of the Sixties, The
Sixties of the Sixties, The days are warm and the seventh year of hijab It's a place in Medina forty-eight miles. His name is Ha. Day is a day Beautiful and silent Amas the night when the shadows retreat, They turn the bed of corruption. Üseyr аdındа someone hears the hatred of kelimelerle kerimeler, We walked on to Muhammed and we were killed in the Medina. If all Mekkelis were on our side, I fought him in the middle of the country, All our old and new chinks. This idea is bad, the scourge is gone. Sixties of the Sixties, The plan to annihilate the mediators and destroy the Medina, The last one was the last one and the first one was the same. This was his wife, Hendek. The wind had blown, so they would raise the storm. The storm is about to break, You know how Medina-i Münevver comes from, Ashabin, Take this exit from Bedir, in Uhud. Each one is like a death angel, Here is Hz. Ali is rescued in the hands of his wife. The forerunner of the army Ukkakes, The body of the low arm is Hz. Omar, Two hundred and foremost, and the bridle is full of piyado full of bridle, Sonrá peygâmber hahnýmý ümmü seleme, Prophet of the Prophet Hz. Sаfiyy to, I have twenty years of happiness and sincerity. This army, From Medina to the horde of fortune. Love pårolâsý yа Manhood emit, The storm is on the road. In front of you, the season is full The Peygâmber falls under the shadow of a thousand thousand shadows, It is not the shadow of the prophecy. A few days a week in the fight with peygâmber And hurst nur nur nebi Sâncâğı Abu Bakr does not become a conqueror, Omar Omar, Hand in hand Amas conquest is not happening. He was in a difficult situation, Saw paws Fahri Kainat speaks at аshаbýnа, I will give you such a grave; Allāh and the Messenger love him, Oda loves Allah and his friend. He will not return unless he fires it. Allah conquest will be done with his hand. The ending did not run out that night, Now he's brave Ashab-i Guzin thought he was wondering Hâttaboglu Ömer, I did not want that day's housewarming property Who was he Here you are. Ashahb in front of the tower And a light shines out of the way He's going out. Abu Bakr and Omar are not alive, Quraysh supporters stretch their hand, Ensar extends elni, All the things in life It is one of the sacrifices of the enemy Ekrem The only thing you hear is the silence of the peygämber, The breath is not a bird, Fly away from your breasts. And there is a question on that infantile lips, Where is Ali? So he was valiant Ali Here is Ali zülfikâri wa Sаncаk аk sаncаk Peygаmber is in the hands of the old Ali-i mürtezah A place in the center of the storm Name is And the storm is at work Merhаb аdındа someone, The greatest loner in the world He read the worm and woke up to Ali. Cesaretin varsa breaks out to say ' First, the chats were fascinating, Poems pleaded. The word was Âlideydi, I am such that I am the one who put the name, I am as I am, roaring through the depths of the forests. And the promise was extended, The sword was spoken. The first time, Ali is slaughtering his sword, And the two are getting lost, And he falls from his hand. Allāh's words are unfounded, The fun of Zhiqa, In joy, Merhaba's laughing teeth appear. Sаhаbe mourning, The eyes of the universe are the tranquil sea. If you are a hahah, So, go, Hz. Ali is in possession of something, This is Zülfikar Semaya has drawn a straight line And he stopped at Zulfikar. Allah's eyes came to the eye, The last thing you see is, Hz. Ali's eyes were blinking. And he landed Zülfikar before his wife, Sonrá took his helmet to two. It was the day that the storm was over. Fărri Kâinât walks around the square, The wolves are martyrs. Our master is a martyr. This shack that was shot with an arrow in the throat, It was a desert.
7 سال پیش در تاریخ 1396/11/24 منتشر شده است.
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