집콕놀이/집에서 할거없을때, 심심할때 할만한 놀이

35.9 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - #Playingathome
#Playingathome #toddleractivities #papercrafts

A play you can play with just a piece of paper.
I've collected seven things.
I thought the video was going to be too long, so I just introduced it briefly.
The detailed method images are:
I'll leave a link.^^

1. Waddling words
움직이는 종이접기/움직이는 장난감/신기한 엄마표놀이/Walking ...

2. Wiggling caterpillars
심심할때  애벌레 종이접기/신기한 종이접기/엄마표놀이/Moving ...

5. Paper basketball goalposts
종이한장으로 골대 만들기/신체놀이/집콕놀이/공놀이/유아놀이활동/In...

6. A paper airplane fluttering like a butterfly
펄럭이는 종이비행기/잘나는 비행기 신기한 종이접기/How to ma...

7. Paper boomerang flying back.
부메랑 만들기/A4용지 종이접기/신기한 종이접기/Boomerang
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/12/07 منتشر شده است.
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