Persian Poem: Nizami Ganjavi - Livelihood -with English translation روزی - شعر فارسي - نظامی گنجوی

Panjara پنجره
Panjara پنجره
48.7 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - نه هر قسمت که پیش
نه هر قسمت که پیش آید نشاطست
نه هر پایه که زیرافتد بساطست
چو روزی بخش ما روزی چنین کرد
گهی روزی دوا باشد گهی درد
خردمند آن بود کو در همه کار
بسازد گاه با گل گاه با خار

کسی راست خرما ز نخل بلند
که بر نخل خرما رساند کمند
به بستان کسی راست گردن فراز
که بویی و رنگی دهد دلنواز

بهاری داری از وی بر خور امروز
که هر فصلی نخواهد بود نوروز
گلی کو، را نبوید، آدمی زاد
چو هنگام خزان آید برد، باد

‎به شغل جهان رنج بردن چه سود
‎که روزی به کوشش نشاید فزود
‎جهان غم نیرزد به شادی گرای
‎نه کز بهر غم کرده‌اند این سرای
‎جهان از پی شادی و دلخوشیست
‎نه از بهر بیداد و محنت کشیست

خوشا روزگارا که دارد کسی
که بازار حرصش نباشد بسی
به قدر بسندش یساری بود
کند کاری ار مرد کاری بود
جهان می‌گذارد به خوشخوارگی
به اندازه دارد , تک بارگی
نه بذلی که طوفان برآرد ز مال
نه صرفی که سختی درآرد به حال
همه سختی از بستگی لازمست
چو در بشکنی خانه پر هیزم است
چنان زی کزان زیستن سالیان
تو را سود و کس را نباشد زیان

به هنگام سختی مشو ناامید
کز ابر سیه بارد آب سپید
در چاره‌ سازی به خود در مبند
که بسیار تلخی بود سودمند
نفس به کز امید یاری دهد
که ایزد خود امیدواری دهد

Not every forthcoming event is full of life
Not every fallen structure is a carpet
For our livelihood is destined as such
At times livelihood is cure, at times pain
Wise are those who put effort in all affairs
For they survive, often with flowers, often with thorns

There are those who climb the tallest of palm trees
Reaching for dates, latching like lasso
In this garden, the plants worthy of pride
ooze with delightful fragrance and colour

Take advantage of today's springtide
As not every season is like spring
A flower that is not smelled by mankind
leaves with the wind, as fall arrives

What use is worrying over the world's affairs?
For livelihood is never obtained without effort
The world is not worthy of grieve, seek contentment
This place was not created for sorrow
The world is built from contentment and happiness
Not from the source of slavery and servitude

Lucky are some blessed with satisfaction
For their conscience knows no greed
Confined with sufficient expenditure
Indeed, a man capable of work is destined to work
Living in this world with contentment
owning sufficient livelihood for survival
Unlike the storm of expense that comes from wealth
A flood of expenditure in times of hardship
Hoarding wealth result in hardship
Behind these doors, the house is full of firewood
Live such that you can live for many years
Such that you benefit, and others reach no harm

Do not despair hope during hardship
It is from dark clouds that water precipitates
Do not close doors while seeking remedy
For remedy is bitter but rewarding
Let the moment remind you of hope
As the Creator is the provider of hope

أواز : شهيد خطيبي
Narration: Shaheed Khatibi
#nizamiganjavi​#farsi  #poetry

Nizami Ganjavi (Persian: نظامی گنجوی‎, romanized: Niẓāmī Ganjavī, lit. 'Niẓāmī of Ganja') (c. 1141–1209), Nizami Ganje'i,  Nizami, or Nezāmi, whose formal name was Jamal ad-Dīn Abū Muḥammad Ilyās ibn-Yūsuf ibn-Zakkī, was a 12th-century Persian Muslim poet. Nezāmi is considered the greatest romantic epic poet in Persian literature, who brought a colloquial and realistic style to the Persian epic. His heritage is widely appreciated and shared by Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, the Kurdistan region and Tajikistan. He was born of an urban background in Ganja (Seljuq empire, now Azerbaijan) and is believed to have spent his whole life in South Caucasus. According to De Blois, Ganja was a city which at that time had predominantly a Persian population. Because Nezami was not a court poet, he does not appear in the annals of the dynasties. Tazkerehs, which are the compilations of literary memoirs that include maxims of the great poets along with biographical information and commentary of styles refer to him briefly. Much of this material in these Tazkerehs are based on legends, anecdotes, and hearsays. Consequently, few facts are known about Nezami's life, the only source being his own work, which does not provide much information on his personal life.
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/10/05 منتشر شده است.
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