Heartmath Inner Balance or Neuvana Xen - Which should you buy for stress management and resilience

hatson dot coach
hatson dot coach
7.8 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - One of the questions I’ve
One of the questions I’ve been asked a lot recently is which is better for improving resilience and productivity, Heartmath Inner Balance or Neuvana Xen? Both devices are proven technological methods for improving the functionality of your vagus nerve, which is the nerve that helps your body recover after stressful events. It’s involved in the relaxation response for many critical bodily functions including heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, sweating, digestion and speaking. It’s essentially the information highway from the brain to the heart, airways, lungs, aesophagus, stomach, pancreas and small intestines. So the better your vagus nerve functions, the quicker you will recover from stress, exertion and illness, so your resilience in life is closely related to the strength, or tone of your vagus nerve. So let’s examine how Heartmath and Neuvana Xen work with the Vagus Nerve. Heartmath Inner Balance trains you to breathe in a particular pattern called coherent breathing. You see, when you breathe in, your heart rate and blood pressure increase, and when you breath out, your heart rate and blood pressure drop. Heartmath teaches you to breathe in a balanced way, and this method of breathing stimulates the vagus nerve. I train my clients to breathe using the Heartmath method called the Quick Coherence Technique, and it takes no more than 3 or 4 breaths to see their vagus nerve respond. So regular practice using Heartmath, even just 5 minutes twice a day means that the body spends more time in a relaxed state. This lowers heart rate, blood pressure, helps the body process stress hormones and sleep better. I see even people suffering severe burnout recover in four to five weeks of using Heartmath, and it allows me to monitor their progress and coach them through their recovery. It also teaches them to improve their awareness of their own state. So Heartmath practitioners tend to spot themselves getting stressed and then use the techniques to calm themselves down again. This is really handy for preparing for presentations, big meetings and the like. So let’s look at the Neuvana Xen. This device also works with the Vagus Nerve, but instead of using a breathing technique to stimulate the vagus nerve, it does it directly using electricity. So you don’t need to stop and do anything different, you just plug it in to your ears and can carry on doing whatever you were doing. I don’t have the same level of data using the Neuvana Xen with clients as I do with Heartmath as I’ve only just started using it with them, but my initial experience is that it is incredibly effective at improving mood and recovery, probably the equivalent of doing Heartmath for 20 or 30 minutes daily. So on the face of it, you would say that Neuvana Xen is the winner right? It’s not quite as straightforward as that, because they have slightly different use cases. If you suffer from chronic stress or have burnt out, Neuvana Xen isn’t going to teach you to deal with the habits and behaviours that caused your burnout in the first place. Sure, it’s going to help you feel better in the short term, but it’s not going to help you build the awareness and change some of those behaviours that you developed that helped you burn out in the first place. Learning to stop and listen to what’s going on inside is the foundation skill for building resilience, and no amount of technology is going to give you that. But if you are reasonably well regulated, maybe you’ve used Heartmath, or you’re a regular meditator but can’t afford to spend an hour a day meditating or doing yoga, then the Neuvana Xen will take your resilience to another level. Honestly I think this device is that good. There’s also the price. Heartmath Inner Balance retails at £160, whereas the Neuvana Xen is priced at $400, so if you are looking for a good place to start in developing your resilience and performance, then Heartmath Inner Balance is a good starter. The unit is simple to use, the app is straightforward and you will learn the basics of resilience that will serve you well in all areas of your life. You can even hire a coach like me to support you in getting the best out of the unit. If you’re looking to take your resilience to the next level, then the Neuvana Xen would be an excellent investment. I use it daily but I still use my Heartmath Inner Balance every day too, and the combination of the two leaves me absolutely bulletproof. So there you go. Please let me have any comments or questions you have about these devices or resilience building, and if you’d like to see more videos on how to use technology to build your performance, please subscribe. #neuvanaxen #heartmath #resilience
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/01/29 منتشر شده است.
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