Nomadic way of life under threat in Iran

AP Archive
AP Archive
15.6 هزار بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش - (14 May 2008) SHOTLIST
(14 May 2008) SHOTLIST

AP Television News
Isfahan Province - April 2008
1. Wide of nomad's flock of sheep
2. Qashqai nomad man taking care of his sheep  
3. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Ghobad Farahmandian, Qashqai man:
"If the situation of nomads continues to be like this and if the government does not support us, there will not be something called nomads in near future. Then it may be too late to worry about the nomad people."

4. Shepherd looking after his sheep
5. Qashqai women and their child on back of donkey walking
6. Wide of Qashqai and their livestock
7. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Bahmaninejad (no first name given), Qashqai woman:
"We would like to live a better life like people in cities and enjoy and use facilities like medical care. Such facilities cannot be found in a desert like here."

8. Qashqai receiving water from a Organisation for Nomad Affairs car for their livestock (shot in rear view mirror)
9. Close-up of water pouring in small water containers
10. Livestock grazing in hills
11. Woman shaking yogurt in animal skin
12. Woman checking a food pot
13. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Masoumeh Gharakhani, Qashqai Woman :
"The life here in desert has become too difficult for us. We cannot follow this lifestyle anymore. Many of our youths have immigrated to large cities and our population has become low. I like to go to city too."

14. Wide of Qashqai family and their livestock
15. Bread baking on metal tray over fire
16. Qashqai couple
17. Qashqai man singing a local song
18. Wide of livestock
19. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Hassan Jahan Dideh, Qashqai man :
"Nomads can produce many goods such as wool, animal oil, milk cream, whey, yogurt and many other things but they do not have the chance to sell them and make money because there is nobody to support them. The nomads will really become extinct soon in this condition. We are old and not worried about ourselves much but we are worried about our children who could not make a living."

20. Wide of flock grazing

Isfahan Province - May 2006
21. Tilt-down from sky to a tent of Qashqai nomads
22. Women weaving carpet in tent with a flock of goats in the background
23. Woman making thread from sheep wool
24. Woman shaking yogurt bag to women baking bread in clay stove
25. Woman's hand laying out dough to bake bread
26. Qashqai woman's face
27. Woman and her daughter baking bread
28. Tilt-up from clay stove fire to hand turning pieces of bread around to cook well
29. Womens' clothes hung inside tent, women sewing dress


Each year the nomadic Qashqai people of Iran travel with their livestock from the winter lowland pastures to the summer highland pastures.

They spend the hot, dry summer months in the cooler regions on mountain slopes in southern parts of Isfahan province.

But this yearly pilgrimage from mountains to plains is slowly fading away as younger generations reject the nomadic lifestyle of their parents and countless ancestors for a life in the city.


When the warmth of spring begins to set in, the Qashqai nomads pack up and head off - women on horseback, men on foot, belongings in tow - for the cooler climes of the northern mountains.

In autumn they make the return trip to the warm plains of the south away from the subzero temperatures of the mountains.

It's a way of life that has endured for thousands of years, though modern pressures are starting to erode the tradition.

The government and developing towns have taken over pasture where goats or sheep once roamed freely.

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