中国-革命的世纪②:毛时代 (1994) [China - A Century of Revolution - Part 2 The Mao Years 1949-1976] [高码版]

417 بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - 第二部:毛泽东时代 the Mao years (1949~1976)
第二部:毛泽东时代 the Mao years (1949~1976) 》00:01:11 【1】追星揽月(catch the stars and moon 1949-1960) 》00:58:18 【2】造反有理(It's right to rebel! 1960-1976) “打江山易,坐江山难”,土改,抗美援朝,百家争鸣到反右,大跃进,一直到文革。就是一部折腾的历史,一部大多数人倒霉,少数人更倒霉的历史。 一个人再英明神武,终究还是一个人而不是神;而当一个普通人置于一个狂热的群体中时,再匪夷所思的事情都会变成正常的,就如同斯坦福的监狱实验,或是像电影The Welle所描述的。如果单纯说这样的历史悲剧是一个人的造成的,未免太过天真。其实从延安时期的肃反,到土改过程中的过激行为,再到大跃进时的欺上瞒下,都是在为最后的大悲剧埋伏笔,要说是一个人,或一小部分人的责任,这是在推卸责任,这是值得全体国人需要集体反思的。民主和多数人的暴政只有一步之遥,然而又有多少人能明白界限何在,再联想到近日的砸日车事件,可见这个话题仍未过时。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This first-hand look at China's tumultuous history examines the country's social, political, and cultural upheaval through eyewitness accounts, archival film footage, and commentary. Part Two: The Mao Years, 1949-1976 covers advent of Communist Party rule in China and the attempts by Mao Zedung to modernize China, which resulted in famine, the repression of individual freedoms, and in later years, the advent of limited capitalism. It includes interviews with Chinese citizens who comment on their individual experiences. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA: A CENTURY OF REVOLUTION is a six-hour tour de force journey through the country's most tumultuous period.this award-winning documentary series presents an astonishingly candid view of a once-secret nation with rare archival footage, insightful historical commentary and stunning eyewitness accounts from citizens who struggled through China's most decisive century. CHINA IN REVOLUTION charts the country's most violent era where decades of civil war and foreign invasions led to the bloody battle for power between Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek. THE MAO YEARS examines the turbulent era of Mao's attempts to forge a "new China" from the war-ravaged and poverty-stricken nation. Mao's death begins BORN UNDER THE RED FLAG, which follows the country's new leadership of Deng Xiaoping and its unlikely transformation into an extraordinary hybrid of communist-centralized politics with an ever-expanding free market economy. Monumental in scope, CHINA: A CENTURY OF REVOLUTION is critical viewing for anyone interested in this increasingly powerful and globally influential country.
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/06/04 منتشر شده است.
417 بـار بازدید شده
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