Holland V 荷兰村 EP15

Mediacorp Drama
Mediacorp Drama
69.8 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - Spanning more than a 100
Spanning more than a 100 episodes, Holland V, as the title suggests, revolves around the quaint neighbourhood of Holland Village, particularly singling out the Mo Family. ‘Big sister’ Mo Wanwan is known not only for her famous nasi lemak, but her Herculean strength and big-as-cow appetite. Mo Lingling, the Mo's 2nd sister, for in that chopsticks-thin legs lie a formidable kick, when she's provoked. Otherwise, Lingling ia all demure and kind but sadly, she is often bullied by her colleagues and even her own foul-tempered husband. Third sister Mo Yanyan is a lazybone who holds a record of sleeping continuously for 3 days and nights. Mo Jingjing is dim-witted, has a low IQ but works very hard at Wanwan's nasi lemak stall. An innocent and kind girl who often gets cheated of her money and love. As a dedicated botanist, Mo Rourou's life revolves around nothing but plants. though blessed with good looks, suitors are often put off by her highly scientific talks and unromantic soul. The only son and baby of the family, Yangyang is the other half of yet another pair of twins with Rourou. Agile and alert, Yangyang is quickly promoted in the Police Force. No matter how capable each of them are, the Mo siblings still find themselves faced with problems. 荷兰村的早晨,天朦朦亮,入口处的大风车一动不动地高挂着。风车下,走着一对姐妹。姐姐莫婉婉,身材巨大,妹妹莫晶晶,却又瘦又小,二人走在一起,形成一副有趣的画面。 莫婉婉在荷兰村开了一间专卖椰浆饭的小食店,有4妹一弟,她是大姐,每天一早就和排行第4的妹妹上巴刹办货。莫晶晶天资较钝,常常被人占了便宜还不自知。好像今天,她又被一个中年色狼借机非礼了。婉婉听到妹妹惊叫,急赶来相助,虽然跑得气喘吁吁,还是紧追不舍,誓要抓到色狼,但却被摔得扑进栏杆中间,臃肿的身材使她进出不得。 二姐莫玲玲取代婉婉,紧追色狼而去。她生来一双长腿,跑起来特快,很快追上色狼,但心肠超软的她却被色狼编的悲惨故事所感动,放了色狼一马。 莫玲玲被大姐婉婉训了一顿,回到任职的银行,又被同事冷嘲热讽,暗气在心。她有一个毛病,当激怒而无处发泄时,一向很有力的右脚就“蠢蠢欲动”,欲找东西踢来发泄。她强按压住情绪,才没有铸成大祸。 莫家还有一个大懒虫--老三莫燕燕。她连坐在马桶盖都能睡得呼呼叫。9点大学考试,8点半还不醒。要劳驾到婉婉亲自上门,才把这个大懒虫妹妹送出门去。 莫婉婉心中一直有个秘密。她早年曾经生下一个女孩,现在这名女孩已经21岁了,名叫丝婷,与经营洗衣店的母亲月萍住在一起。婉婉当初不知何故,把女孩让月萍收养。时隔境迁,婉婉现在想要认回亲生女儿.. #HollandV #荷兰村 -- For more catchup videos visit meWatch: www.mewatch.sg/en/ meWATCH Instagram: www.instagram.com/mewatch.mediacorp/ meWATCH Facebook: www.facebook.com/mewatch.mediacorp
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/02/03 منتشر شده است.
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