The Truth About Moldavite - Will Moldavite Destroy Your Life?

The StarSeed Academy
The StarSeed Academy
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The Truth About Moldavite - "Moldavite Will Destroy Your Life!"

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#Moldavite #Crystals #Spirituality #Meditation #shadowwork

welcome to the starseed academy so those of you who don't know my name's tyler and i run a crystal shop online on etsy and when i'm not doing that i like to share the lessons and knowledge i've learned along the way on my own spiritual journey so today i wanted to talk about how muldivites gonna destroy your life if you use it i wanna preface all this by saying moldavite is not something to be scared of nothing that happens with moldavite is bad right so there's this really odd like smear campaign going on against moldavite currently that it's this horrible thing that's gonna you know make you divorce your spouse and quit your job and you know blow up your house and all this weird stuff right like just put your life in a blender and while a lot of change can happen in your life after using it while using it it's all for the best so a lot of things that moldavite does is it gets you at a place where you understand and eventually are at a point and ready to let go of these things that no longer serve you so i could be a relationship that could be a job you you find you're not happy anymore but the thing i want to express to you guys and i tell to a lot of my customers because we i sell multivite on my chat on my shop and i have a lot of people who message me one is it real yes it is real i buy from a three generation geologist family that i get all my stuff from that i would trust their word over everything they know far more that they've forgotten more than i will ever know so you know turn around here do

is it real yes

and the other one is that everyone is concerned wants to know if it's going to just completely wreck their life and this is what i like to tell people because when i first started using it my big thing was my job i was not happy at my job but my job paid 80k a year i was single i have no kids very little bills you know 80k goes a long way in those circumstances i it afforded me a very nice life but i wasn't happy because money wasn't my definition of success fulfillment was doing something that matters so i was contemplating leaving and the thing that always pops up every time you go to look at leaving a job is how am i going to pay my bills

well the thing was is it it nagged at me and that's that's moldivite so the example i always give is whenever you like as a kid or an as an adult when you

would lie about something or maybe do something that was against your morals you know it eats at you it just it picks at you it like rots you away from the inside out it's and it's a nagging kind of feeling and to me that's exactly what not listening to moldavite feels like you can always set it aside if it becomes too much for you you can always not use it you know it's a it's a crystal it's like i prior to my previous job i was a personal trainer and the thing i always heard from women about lifting weights and it's any more it's been debunked thankfully is this idea of like oh i don't i don't want to lift weights i don't want to get big you act like you're going to pick up some weights do like three sets and wake up the next morning you know with more pecs than you have boobs like that it doesn't happen overnight this is the same right there's a lot of work that goes in with moldavite to churning your life around to something that's more in line with your true purpose right so you know it's more of a knack it doesn't blender up your life and you know just destroy everything it will break down constructs and things in your life habits maybe get rid of people that no longer serve you the thing to keep in mind with any crystal and with anything in general crystals aside is having an intention for what you're doing and understanding the direction you're looking to move in you know i left my job because i wanted something that was fulfilling i wanted something that made me happy something that i got to help people with and i love crystals to an unhealthy amount i love crystals and

i opened up a small crystal shop sold a few things and just kind of spiraled from there and within 18 days of me opening the shop and making a few sales
3 سال پیش در تاریخ 1400/06/23 منتشر شده است.
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