Biden's AI Executive Order: Addressing AI Challenges and Opportunities

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independent read
5 بار بازدید - 8 ماه پیش - The White House has taken
The White House has taken a significant step by unveiling an executive order designed to tackle critical aspects of AI technology. This comprehensive order addresses safety, security, privacy, equity, civil rights, consumer rights, and workers' rights in the realm of artificial intelligence.

#AI #ExecutiveOrder #WhiteHouse #Safety #Security #Privacy #Equity #CivilRights #ConsumerRights #WorkersRights

The initiative also empowers federal agencies to play a crucial role in overseeing the development and implementation of AI technology. The move comes as concerns grow regarding AI's potential to propagate fake images, audio, and videos, exacerbate racial and social disparities, and facilitate criminal activities.

#FakeAI #Inequality #CriminalUse #TechnologyDevelopment

President Biden is committed to leveraging the tools at his disposal to influence private sector behavior and set an example for responsible AI development. This executive order demonstrates the administration's dedication to harnessing AI for the benefit of all while safeguarding against its potential risks and misuses.
8 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/08/11 منتشر شده است.
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