解放军和新疆人关系如何?外媒从不报道这些事!维族退伍女兵有话说!喀什200多家拥军志愿门店的爱国拥军故事/Story of Kashgar, Xinjiang respecting the PLA

44 هزار بار بازدید - 9 ماه پیش - 新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区喀什市有着一群特殊的群体,他们虽转变身份,但初心不改,他们是无数扎根于喀什市的退役军人。阿丽米热是这些退役军人中的一员,她褪去戎装后,成为了一位社区书记,从基层到社区,她一直秉承着部队的作风,雷厉风行的执行力促使她在短短一年间,让更多像她一样的退役军人留在了喀什,在古城里找到了创业之路。 帕哈太克里乡中心小学,是一所军地共建的学校,开设军事特色课程、学生们轮流担任国防教育长廊讲解员成为学校的传统,军地的结对援建,用“橄榄绿”托起了孩子们的“读书梦”。行走在喀什的大街小巷,随处可见的“喀什市拥军志愿门店”近200家,“社会化拥军”成为这个城市的常态,一个拥军门店就是一个窗口、一个阵地,喀什市打造出了“军民同心、社会接力”的拥军新格局 There is a
新疆维吾尔自治区喀什地区喀什市有着一群特殊的群体,他们虽转变身份,但初心不改,他们是无数扎根于喀什市的退役军人。阿丽米热是这些退役军人中的一员,她褪去戎装后,成为了一位社区书记,从基层到社区,她一直秉承着部队的作风,雷厉风行的执行力促使她在短短一年间,让更多像她一样的退役军人留在了喀什,在古城里找到了创业之路。 帕哈太克里乡中心小学,是一所军地共建的学校,开设军事特色课程、学生们轮流担任国防教育长廊讲解员成为学校的传统,军地的结对援建,用“橄榄绿”托起了孩子们的“读书梦”。行走在喀什的大街小巷,随处可见的“喀什市拥军志愿门店”近200家,“社会化拥军”成为这个城市的常态,一个拥军门店就是一个窗口、一个阵地,喀什市打造出了“军民同心、社会接力”的拥军新格局 There is a special group in Kashgar City, Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Although they have changed their identities, they have not changed their original intentions. They are countless retired soldiers who have taken root in Kashgar City. Alimire is one of these retired soldiers. After she took off her military uniform, she became a community secretary. From the grassroots to the community, she has always adhered to the style of the army. Her resolute execution has prompted her to become a community secretary in just one year. Let more veterans like her stay in Kashgar and find a way to start a business in the ancient city. Pahatikeli Township Central Primary School is a school jointly built by the military and civilians. It has become a school tradition to offer military-specific courses and students to take turns serving as instructors of the National Defense Education Corridor. The military-civilian paired-up assistance is used in "olive green" It supports children’s “reading dream”. Walking in the streets and alleys of Kashgar, you can see nearly 200 "Kashgar Volunteer Army Support Stores" everywhere. "Socialized support for the army" has become the norm in this city. A support store is a window and a position. Kashgar City has created a Create a new pattern of military support with "military-civilian unity and social relay" 解放军和新疆人的关系如何?外媒从来不报道这些事!维族退伍女兵有话说!喀什200多家拥军志愿门店的爱国拥军故事/Story of Kashgar, Xinjiang respecting the PLA
9 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1402/09/25 منتشر شده است.
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