Unlocking Excel's Charting Secrets: A Deep Dive Into Chart Types

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📊 Excel has hundreds of chart types to choose from. I'll talk you through the most useful ones, what they are good and bad for, and how to avoid issues that arise.

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📒 There are very many different types of chart in Excel. In this types of charts tutorial you will learn the different types of chart in MS Excel and chart options. Excel chart types are explained along with how to create line chart in Excel, how to create bar chart in Excel, and how to create combo chart in Excel. You will also learn how to switch order on a bar chart. This Excel quick and simple charts tutorial is part of my Excel charts made easy series, designed as Excel tutorials for beginners charts.

📖 We've got all the different kinds of charts that you pretty much ever going to want to need but, not only that, at the bottom we've actually got combination chart. As you click on the different types of charts you can see that you've got various different ones along the top and each one that you click on you then have some subtypes that show you different configurations of that same type. So column for example which is the one that I just happen to have as the default is the one that we're showing at the moment. You can see it's got the quarters along the bottom and sales and profit bars in each quarter. This for example, if I change to this, and just okay it, what you can see it's done is its put all the different quarters sales together and all the different quarters profit together. Now that actually is exactly the same as pushing this button here, which is switch row and columns. If you're switching rows and columns this has just done the exact same thing. So we can have a stacked column where we show the bars on top of each other we can have a stacked column that matches a hundred percent now this one can be slightly useful in that here you can see the profit percentage now actually probably want to see this the other way up so how would you do that right you go to select data and you select one of the two options that you've got at the moment and you can actually change the so now we're going to say yes we want the profit first and you can see that let's just switch them so now you'll be able to see the profit percentage on the chart and you can see that say 2018 q4 was nearly 20% profit so that can be used for chart type.

I'm going to talk you through how to make a combination chart quickly because if on the left hand side is so you go down to combo and you have your two series in this case sales and profit and the incident one is showing which is one I would probably say is quite appropriate in fact is to show the sales as columns and the profit as a line now you can show you could have it as a line with dots you could you can pick in fact any of the I mean this you can pick example square it would look totally ridiculous so we will stick I think to something like a nine with markers now now that's quite interesting because what that's straightaway done you can see is it's ticked this button secondary axis now I'm not going to go through that in detail but what effectively it's done is plotted that line against the scale on the right hand side whereas the columns are plotted on the left hand side that can be quite useful but it also can be quite deceiving and hard to read sometimes so I'm going to take that off at the moment but just be aware that that flag can get ticked and you might need to uncheck it.

Thank you for completing this comprehensive Excel tutorial! Throughout the video, we've explored the intricacies of selecting chart types, customizing visualizations, and leveraging advanced features such as combination charts. By understanding the nuances of each chart type and learning how to customize visual elements, you're equipped to create compelling and informative data visualizations.

One of the key takeaways from this tutorial is the importance of prioritizing clarity and relevance in your visualizations. Effective communication of data requires not only selecting the right chart type but also ensuring that the audience can easily interpret and derive insights from the visual representation. By applying the skills and techniques covered in this tutorial to your own projects, you'll be able to create charts that effectively convey your message and drive decision-making.

As you continue to explore Excel's charting capabilities, don't hesitate to experiment with different chart types and customization options. The more you practice and refine your skills, the more confident you'll become in creating visually stunning and informative charts.

Thank you once again for joining me on this Excel charting journey. Happy charting, and may your data visualizations be clear, impactful, and insightful!
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