JMeter Performance Testing Tutorial 22 - What are timers and how to use them in JMeter

Testing Funda by Zeeshan Asghar
Testing Funda by Zeeshan Asghar
2.6 هزار بار بازدید - 3 سال پیش - #jmeter
#jmeter #timers #performancetesting #stresstesting #loadtesting
What are timers and how to use them in JMeter

Constant Timer
If you want to have each thread pause for the same amount of time between requests, use this timer.

Gaussian Random Timer
This timer pauses each thread request for a random amount of time, with most of the time intervals occurring near a particular value. The total delay is the sum of the Gaussian distributed value (with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0) times the deviation value you specify, and the offset value. Another way to explain it, in Gaussian Random Timer, the variation around constant offset has a Gaussian curve distribution.

Uniform Random Timer
This timer pauses each thread request for a random amount of time, with each time interval having the same probability of occurring. The total delay is the sum of the random value and the offset value.

Constant Throughput Timer
This timer introduces variable pauses, calculated to keep the total throughput (in terms of samples per minute) as close as possible to a given figure. Of course, the throughput will be lower if the server is not capable of handling it, or if other timers or time-consuming test elements prevent it.

N.B. although the Timer is called the Constant Throughput timer, the throughput value does not need to be constant. It can be defined in terms of a variable or function call, and the value can be changed during a test. The value can be changed in various ways:

using a counter variable
using a __jexl3, __groovy function to provide a changing value
using the remote BeanShell server to change a JMeter property.

Precise Throughput Timer
This timer introduces variable pauses, calculated to keep the total throughput (e.g. in terms of samples per minute) as close as possible to a given figure. Of course, the throughput will be lower if the server is not capable of handling it, or if other timers, or if there are not enough threads, or time-consuming test elements prevent it.

Although the Timer is called a Precise Throughput Timer, it does not aim to produce precisely the same number of samples over one-second intervals during the test.

The timer works best for rates under 36000 requests/hour, however, your mileage might vary (see monitoring section below if your goals are vastly different).

Best location of a Precise Throughput Timer in a Test Plan
As you might know, the timers are inherited by all the siblings and their child elements. That is why one of the best places for Precise Throughput Timer is under the first element in a test loop. For instance, you might add a dummy sampler at the beginning, and place the timer under that dummy sampler

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