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2.2 میلیون بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - #HumanStory
#HumanStory #mushroomfarm #self-employed ▶ Contact us [email protected] ▶ Humanstory membership youtube.comhttps://www.seevid.ir/fa/result?ytch=UC31-nUU7jhm3I5DCYh6uLBA/join ▶ Humanstory official website cafe.naver.com/humanstoryofficial ▶ Humanstory instagram www.instagram.com/youtubehumanstory/ ✔time stamp 00:32 (Cheongyang County, South Chungcheong Provincem 6:30 AM) 00:39 How long have you lived here? 00:57 You look really fit, what kind of work do you do? 01:13 Are you originally from Cheongyang, South Chungcheong Province? 01:33 Is this your morning routine? 01:45 Were your parents farmers? 01:56 How much do you make in sales? 02:39 Are your parents in Suwon? 02:53 I'm curious to know what prompted you to become a farmer 03:15 So how has it been, now that you've been doing this for two and a half years now? 03:28 Iru 04:28 It requires money to move to the countryside. How did you come up with the funds? 05:13 What are all these? 05:28 Oh, are these shiitake mushrooms? 05:45 How has it been so far? 06:11 They're culture medium of shiitake mushroom but we're almost done harvesting them 06:39 Are these all traces of mushrooms after they've been harvested? 06:52 The fact that there are all these culture mediums 07:15 Did you learn all of those skills at school? 07:36 The National University of Agriculture and Fisheries provides free tuition? 07:46 I think you'll become very healthy 07:59 Will I get to try some shiitake mushrooms today? 08:17 But there must be other types of crops that you could grow 08:35 Are there are lot of millennials and Gen Zers who move to the countryside for farming? 09:20 How do you water the mushrooms? 09:41 Oh, you're picking out the mushrooms? 10:03 Right, during harvesting season I pick them 4 times a day 10:43 What does the timeline for mushroom harvesting look like? 11:00 What do you mean by giving them shock? 11:40 Are there some opportunities for other millennials and Gen Zers to experience it? 12:17 For young people that are interested in becoming a farmer, what type of people are well suited for farming? 12:35 What is this speaker? 12:50 What are you doing right now? 13:19 You said the government provided loans and that's how you were able to start the business 13:43 Do you have specific goals? 13:52 How can our viewers find your mushrooms online? 14:11 The ones that you've sliced here, how do you sell them? 14:29 You said you dreamt of becoming a farmer since you were in middle school 15:15 What is this? 15:27 Is this where you usually grill meat? 15:56 That's soybean stew with shiitake mushroom 16:06 What's the frying pan for? 16:18 The mushroom smells good 16:58 You HAVE to eat like this 17:21 But it must feel therapeutic when barbecue and create a camping atmosphere 17:55 Mmmm 18:09 In a way he's your only friend in the countryside 18:20 We did a shooting today, how was it? 18:32 Can you share a message for other young farmers? 18:48 Go Mush & Muscle! 18:50 Go Human Story!!!
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/08/24 منتشر شده است.
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