Inlocuire tastatura laptop Asus X550L - Replace laptop keyboard Asus X550L

Dorado Systems
Dorado Systems
6.8 هزار بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - Inlocuire tastatura laptop Asus X550LLa
Inlocuire tastatura laptop Asus X550L

La unele modele noi de laptopuri, tastatura este de acum parte integranta din palmrest.

Palmrest-ul este componenta de carcasa care acopera placa de baza. Palmrest-ul sau carcasa superioara, contine tastatura, butonul de pornire, mousepad-ul iar la majoritatea modelelor include si difuzoarele componentei audio.

Metoda de prindere a tastaturii pe palmrest se executa folosind numeroase nituri de plastic.

Operatiunea de inlocuire este astfel mai deosebita, punand accent pe priceperea si abilitatile tehnicianului IT ce executa lucrarea, unde in cazul de fata ne mai fiind vorba de o simpla inlocuire de componenta.


Replace Asus X550L laptop keyboard

On some new laptop models, the keyboard is now an integral part of the palmrest.

The Palmrest is the housing component that covers the motherboard. The Palmrest or the upper case contains the keyboard, the power button, the mousepad and in most models it also includes the speakers of the audio component.

The method of attaching the keyboard to the palmrest is performed using numerous plastic rivets.

The replacement operation is thus more special, emphasizing the skill and abilities of the IT technician performing the work, where in this case it is no longer a simple component replacement.
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/09/04 منتشر شده است.
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