
964 هزار بار بازدید - 2 سال پیش - GAU-8/A復仇者機砲是由通用電器製造的30毫米口徑加特林式機砲,主要裝備在美國空軍A-10雷霆二式攻擊機上。該機砲是美國軍隊所使用過的最大,最重,以及威力最強的武器之一。 GAU-8專為反坦克而設計,以極高的射速發射高威力砲彈。 GAU-8全重620磅(280千克),算上填彈系統及彈鼓後的重量達4,029磅(1,828千克)。從砲口到彈藥系統尾端的距離是5.931米,彈鼓直徑34.5英寸(88厘米),全長71.5英寸(1.82米)。彈藥匣一次可填裝1,174發砲彈,但通常情況下只填裝1,150發。發射燃燒穿甲彈時的膛口初速可達990米/秒,幾乎與重量更輕的M61火神式機砲20毫米口徑砲彈相同。 The GAU-8/A
GAU-8/A復仇者機砲是由通用電器製造的30毫米口徑加特林式機砲,主要裝備在美國空軍A-10雷霆二式攻擊機上。該機砲是美國軍隊所使用過的最大,最重,以及威力最強的武器之一。 GAU-8專為反坦克而設計,以極高的射速發射高威力砲彈。 GAU-8全重620磅(280千克),算上填彈系統及彈鼓後的重量達4,029磅(1,828千克)。從砲口到彈藥系統尾端的距離是5.931米,彈鼓直徑34.5英寸(88厘米),全長71.5英寸(1.82米)。彈藥匣一次可填裝1,174發砲彈,但通常情況下只填裝1,150發。發射燃燒穿甲彈時的膛口初速可達990米/秒,幾乎與重量更輕的M61火神式機砲20毫米口徑砲彈相同。 The GAU-8/A Avenger cannon is a 30mm caliber Gatling cannon manufactured by General Electric and is mainly equipped on the US Air Force A-10 Thunder II attack aircraft. The cannon is one of the largest, heaviest, and most powerful weapons ever used by the U.S. military. Designed for anti-tank use, the GAU-8 fires high-power shells at an extremely high rate of fire. The GAU-8 weighs 620 lbs (280 kg), or 4,029 lbs (1,828 kg) with the loading system and drums included. The distance from the muzzle to the end of the ammunition system is 5.931 meters, the drum diameter is 34.5 inches (88 cm), and the overall length is 71.5 inches (1.82 meters). The magazine holds 1,174 rounds at a time, but normally only 1,150 rounds. The muzzle velocity when firing incendiary armor-piercing rounds can reach 990 m/s, almost the same as the 20 mm caliber shell of the lighter M61 Vulcan cannon.
2 سال پیش در تاریخ 1401/03/02 منتشر شده است.
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