Tips to Cure Your Fortnite Addiction

Marble Jar Channel
Marble Jar Channel
6.6 هزار بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - In this video, I’ll give
In this video, I’ll give you some tips for curing your Fortnite addiction. Please subscribe and leave comments below! *** A truncated transcript follows. A full transcript can be found at *** Hi, everyone! This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today’s video, I’ll give you some tips for curing your Fortnite addiction. I did a video a little while ago for parents and talked about how addictive the video game Fortnite is. So, reading through the comments, I can tell most of the views on that video are not by parents — it’s mostly teenage boys, who are clearly searching “Fortnite Addiction” on YouTube. Since I’m a middle aged parent, not every viewer likes my message, but there were a couple of comments from kids who are legitimately trying to find a way to quit or cut down on Fortnite use, so I thought I’d do a video on tips for that. AddictionHere’s one thing to be happy about — Fortnite is not a chemical addiction like nicotine or heroin. It’s behavioral like food addictions or shop lifting. That doesn’t mean it is easy to break, but you aren’t having to battle both your brain and your body. You just have to battle your brain. So, these tips are right out of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (or CBT) manual. Really what we are talking about here is behavior change. You want to start doing something more often, like eating more vegetables or working out or you want to do something less often like play Fortnite or eat junk food. Both of these goals require some behavior change. And remember, the first 2 weeks are the hardest, once you get through that period, it gets easier. Here's the outline of the process: 1. Create a goal 2. Write down rules 3. Think of problem areas 4. Get an accountability buddy 5. Record your progress (don't cheat) 6. Reward yourself Let's go through them. First, create a GoalOkay -- maybe this seems silly, but if you don't know where you want to end up, you can't make a plan to get there. What is your goal? Do you want to quit Fortnite altogether? Do you want to play a lot less? What is your definition of a lot less? Do you want to play a little less? What is your definition of that? Do you not want to think about it all the time? Write this down at the top of a piece of paper under the word GOAL. Next write down someRulesThis is the part where you figure out how you are going to get from where you are now, to where you want to be. If you want to compete in an Iron Man triathalon, you don't just dream about doing it, you actually have to put together a training plan, and then get your butt out and train. So, for quitting Fortnite, maybe your rule is that you lock up your Playstation and only someone else in your household has the key. Or you can come up with a plan to play less. Like a limit of 2 hours per night Friday through Sunday and not at all Monday through Thursday. Or unlimited time on weekends, but none during the week. You'll have to come up with a plan to fit your own goals here. It needs to be detailed enough that someone else could follow your rules. Write them down under the word "Rules" on your sheet. Now its time to think of Problem areasWhat times will following these rules be particularly hard? Will you have a hard time restraining yourself when you are procrastinating from studying? What if you don't have any homework, no friends to hang out with, and are totally bored? Or what happens when you have friends over who want to play? Or do you think you will have a particularly hard time stopping at the end of 2 hours? Think about all of the times when you are likely to break your rules. Flip over your paper and write Problem on one side and Solution on the other. On the left write down all of the times you think might be a problem for you and then on the right side, brain storm on how you might deal with those issues. You can also make exceptions here. Like, if I have friends over and everyone wants to play, I can make an exception to my rule against playing on school nights. The deal is that you think through these things NOW when your brain is cool and analytical and your motivation is high. When your brain is hot and emotional and your will power is garbage, you don't want to be thinking through this for the first time. You obviously won't make good decisions. . .
6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/07/02 منتشر شده است.
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