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163.9 هزار بار بازدید - 6 سال پیش - The story "The Living Hat"
The story "The Living Hat" by N. Nosov. Audiobook #audio #audio #Nosov #tale

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The story "Living Hat" was one of the first in the literary work of Nikolai Nosov, he wrote it in 1938, then the magazine "Murzilka" published the story in one of the issues. Later, in 1945, the story was printed as part of the collection "Tuk-tuk" by Detgiz publishing house. Together with other works of the author ("Cucumbers", "Mishkina porridge", etc.) "Living Hat" became a classic of children's literature.

The main characters of Nikolai Nosov's story "The Living Hat":

The owner of the apartment Vadik is a kind boy, loves his kitten Vaska,
Vadik's friend Vovka - a resourceful boy, scared of the creeping hat, wanted to go home, but curiosity took over and he stayed.
Kitten Vaska is a playful little kitten who hunts a fly and gets caught by the hat.
Summary of N. Nosov's story "The Living Hat" for the reader's diary

Two friends Vadik and Vovka once sat at home at Vadik's house and rocked the picture. As suddenly, Vadik noticed something unusually frightening: the hat, which was lying on the dresser, suddenly came to life and began to move. From the fright of the boy even jumped on the sofa. Vovka did not believe his friend's story. But decided, just in case, to look. And oh, a miracle! The hat moved again. The boys ran out into the kitchen and began to prepare a plan. And now, having thought everything through, having gathered courage and armed with a ski pole and a stick, the boys prepared to attack the enemy. It would seem that they frightened the monster, it did not move and waited for their actions. They even decided to start throwing potatoes at the living monster, as suddenly, they saw a gray tail sticking out, and then a paw. And then they realized that under the hat was a cat Vaska. What a joy it was!

The main idea of Nikolai Nosov's story "The Living Hat":

A fun story about how curiosity and ingenuity eventually overcame fear. Always before you start to be afraid of something, first you have to figure it out.

Everything incomprehensible seems to us sometimes scary, frightening. We are afraid of what we cannot explain. But when the explanation is found, we laugh at what we were afraid of.
Educational aspect of the story
The story "The Living Hat" raises a serious psychological problem of children's fears. It very authentically depicts the fright of children faced with an unknown phenomenon. They stutter, shake with fear and at some point one of the friends even decides to run home, leaving his friend alone with a hat that has come to life. But friendship is stronger than fear and both boys eventually have the courage to face the threat and try to deal with it.

The child who reads this story is not afraid, because he knows that under the hat there is a kitten hiding. Therefore, the reaction of the characters causes him not fear and horror, but laughter. The author removes the negative effect with humor.

The story of Volodya and Vadik allows the reader to take a new look at his fears, which are often born of excessive fantasy and played out imagination. The story becomes a real guide to overcoming fears. Nosov suggests laughter as the best remedy.
It is important that there is no condemnation of the characters' behavior in the text, and the author's humor is very mild, not turning into mockery. Although he calls the boys cowards, he does it without anger and then quickly rehabilitates the boys. Nosov is not arrogant in relation to the anxieties of a small child, he understands their seriousness, but helps to expose and overcome fear.

Proverbs to the story of N.Nosov "The Living Hat":

A cowardly hare and a stump is a wolf.
Shy and the shadow frightens.
Fear has great eyes.
All is well that ends well.

A poem about a hat:

Let's go to the hat,
Let's take a look at the hat
Don't mess with us, hat,
Don't jump, don't skip, don't jump!
¶¶ Tell us your secret ¶¶
Are you alive or not?


♪ The hat is the best friend in the world ♪
♪ Adults and children know ♪
♪ In the bright sunshine ♪
♪ And keeps you fashionable ♪
♪ From rain and snow ♪
And wishes us good luck
6 سال پیش در تاریخ 1397/07/16 منتشر شده است.
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