What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up - Part 1

1 هزار بار بازدید - 11 سال پیش -
http://oaksmail.com/psoriasis - Discover Unknown Tips to Eliminate Psoriasis Forever!

What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up - Part 1

This video forms part of a 7-part video series on Understanding Psoriasis. This is the 1st video in the series.

As a psoriasis sufferer you will be only too aware that the skin condition is at its worst when it starts to flare up. But what are the causes of psoriasis flare ups?

What triggers psoriasis can vary from person to person but there are definite triggers for psoriasis flare ups. Here are the most common causes of psoriasis flare up:

Dry Skin: As simple as it sounds, simple having skin that is too dry can aggrivate your psoriasis. Keeping your skin moisturized can prevent psoriasis flare ups.

Stress: You're probably already aware of this one and there's good reason for that - it is a major cause of flare-ups for some people. In some cases it can even trigger the onset of psoriasis for the first time! There are many ways to de-stress your life. Just Google it.

Smoking: It's not conclusive but tests are leaning toward the fact that smoking impacts psoriasis and anything that impacts psoriasis can contribute to flare ups.

Alcohol: Again, the evidence that the use of alcohol alone can make your psoriasis worse is still inconclusive but it tends to form part of a group of contributory factors. For example, your alcohol intake may rise when you're stressed which in turn, may even increase your stress levels.

Cold Weather: We know that psoriasis tends to flare up more in colder weather but the reason is more associated with the lack of exposure to natural sunlight than the actual impact of cold weather. If you can get away to sunnier climes during the winter, your psoriasis will benefit from the trip. And hey, son't forget the added de-stressing benefits.

Beta-Blockers: Definitely an established link between beta-blockers and psoriasis. If you're taking them then you may need to speak to your Doctor about alternative options.

Upper-Respiratory Infections: Infections can cause an over-active immune system which as we know, causes psoriasis (flares). Strep Throat has been identified as a common trigger so if you keep getting a sore throat... it's time to visit the Doc.

Foods: Certain foods DO make psoriasis worse. Discover the foods that you should avoid here: http://the3stepcure.com/lp/lp1/?sourc...

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What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up

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