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3.4 هزار بار بازدید - 9 سال پیش - (14 Apr 1996) Urdu/Nat
(14 Apr 1996) Urdu/Nat

A bomb blast has ripped through the cancer hospital founded by former Pakistan cricket star Imran Khan, killing four people.

At least 20 people were injured and millions of dollars of damage  was caused to the Shaukat Khanum hospital in Lahore, one of the most modern in Pakistan.

Khan blamed the bombing on "savages" who want to put a stop to his political activities.

Imran Khan's cancer hospital was the most up-to-date in Pakistan.

On Sunday it lay in ruins.

A powerful bomb, hidden behind a sofa, caused millions of dollars worth of damage to the outpatient department and chemotherapy ward.

A clearly distressed Khan surveyed the damage of years of work and fundraising.

The cricketer, who plans to set up a new political party, blamed his political opponents for the attack.

They were targetting me, my opponents are targetting me. This kind of action will never mislead me. I am not scared of this terrorist act. I will continue my mission I am not scared. I do not have any bodyguards as other politicians have. I would like to ask the press to pressure the government to bring the culprits to task.
SUPER CAPTION: Imran Khan, Hospital Founder

But he pledged to continue his plan to go into politics.

The injured were brought to the accident and emergency department of a nearby  hospital.

Khan visited them there.

Patients and hospital staff suffered severe burns and other injuries caused by flying glass and debris.

The shoes of the injured remained on the grass outside the damaged hospital

In February, Britain's Princess Diana visited the cancer hospital. She was reported to have called Imran on Sunday to express her shock at the attack.

All Khan can hope for is that his high-profile wealthy friends like her will enable him to rebuild the hospital.

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