
18 هزار بار بازدید - 12 سال پیش -
umiwichina【优米网umiwi】官方频道  更多精彩视频
他从小的理想是未来一位售货员,能够接待成千上万的顾客,他希望像张秉贵把一种技能变成一种艺术,带给人们一种艺术的享受,他说邓小平的南巡讲话对他影响很大,于是他在那个年代义无反顾地下海做时装,一做就是十九年,他是白领时装有限公司董事长苗鸿冰,本期节目他与您一同分享如何选择创业方向。【文化丝绸之路】 He is the ideal future from a salesman, can receive hundreds of thousands of customers, he wants to like ZhangBingGui put a skill into a kind of art, bring people a kind of art to enjoy, he said that deng xiaoping's NaXun to speak to him, so he has a great influence in the s will be duty-bound to sea do fashion, it is 19 years, he is white collar fashion co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors MiaoHongBing, this program he and you share how to choose the direction of business.
12 سال پیش در تاریخ 1391/11/03 منتشر شده است.
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