Easy & Delicious Ginger-Peanut Turkey Stir-Fry Recipe | Step-by-Step Cooking Tutorial ChefsPlate

QRcookeasyplus 戀煮厨房
QRcookeasyplus 戀煮厨房
32 بار بازدید - 3 ماه پیش - Welcome back!Today marks the grand
Welcome back!

Today marks the grand finale of our ChefsPlate Grocery Delivery service review series, and boy, do we have a treat for you. In this episode, we're shaking things up a bit by inviting my good friend Jacky, who's a newbie to the kitchen, to take the reins and whip up a delectable dish using ChefsPlate's ‘foolproof’ instructions.

With the ChefsPlate instruction sheet in hand, Jacky bravely embarks on his culinary journey to create a mouthwatering Ginger-Peanut Turkey Stir-Fry with Jasmine Rice. As he dives into the cooking process, we're all on the edge of our seats, eagerly anticipating the outcome.

But let me tell you, folks, Jacky absolutely knocks it out of the park! With precision and a sprinkle of newfound kitchen confidence, he effortlessly follows each step, transforming simple ingredients into a symphony of flavors. The aroma wafting from the pan has us salivating in anticipation, and when it's finally time to dig in, we're not disappointed.

Joined by our good friend Karlis, we gather around the table to savor Jacky's creation, and let me tell you, it's a culinary masterpiece. Every bite is bursting with the perfect balance of ginger, peanut, and tender turkey, paired perfectly with fluffy Jasmine rice. And amidst the feasting, there's no shortage of laughter and camaraderie, making this shooting day one for the books.

As we wrap up this final episode of our ChefsPlate review series, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the delicious meals, the unforgettable moments, and of course, all of you, our amazing viewers. But fear not, fellow food enthusiasts, this may be the end of one journey, but it's just the beginning of many more tasty adventures to come. So here's to the future, filled with flavor and fun, as we continue to explore the culinary world together. Until next time, stay hungry!

**Special thanks to my friend Jacky Cheung, who's new to the kitchen but embraced the challenge with enthusiasm and humor. Your adventurous spirit added an extra layer of fun to our cooking journey!

In the Kit Bag

Ground Turkey  500g
Ginger    30g
Peanut Butter   6 tbsp
Jasmine Rice   1.5 Cup
Chili Garlic Sauce  2 tbsp
Soy Sauce   2 tbsp
Rice Vinegar   1 tbsp
Coleslaw Cabbage Mix 340g
Green onion   4

歡迎回來,美食愛好者們!今天是我們 ChefsPlate 食材配送服務評論系列的盛大結局,我們為大家帶來了一場美味的驚喜。在這一集中,我們有了些許變化,邀請了我的好友 Jacky,一位廚房新手,來接管並利用 ChefsPlate 的簡易指導製作一道美味的菜品。

手持著 ChefsPlate 的指導單,Jacky 勇敢地開始了他的烹飪之旅,製作了一道美味的姜味花生火雞炒飯。當他投入烹飪過程時,我們都迫不及待地期待著結果。

但是,讓我告訴你,朋友們,Jacky 絕對做得太完美了!他以精確的動作和一點點廚房自信,輕鬆地跟隨每一個步驟,將簡單的食材變成了一場味覺盛宴。從鍋中飄出的香氣讓我們直流口水,當終於是品嚐的時候,我們一點也沒有失望。

在我們的好友 Karlis 的加入下,我們圍坐在桌旁品嚐 Jacky 的創作。讓我告訴你,這是一場烹飪的傑作。每一口都充滿了姜味、花生味和嫩火雞肉的完美平衡,和鬆軟的香米飯完美搭配。在享受美食的同時,我們也充滿了歡笑和友誼,使得這個拍攝日成為難忘的回憶。

隨著我們結束了 ChefsPlate 評論系列的最後一集,我不禁對美味的食物、難忘的時刻和當然是所有的你們,我們驚人的觀眾,感到非常感激。但請不要擔心,美食愛好者們,這可能是一段旅程的結束,但這只是許多美味冒險的開始。所以讓我們共同探索美食世界的未來,充滿了美味和樂趣。下次見,保持飢餓!

**特別感謝我的朋友Jacky Cheung,他雖然對廚房不熟悉,但以熱情和幽默迎接挑戰。你的冒險精神為我們的烹飪之旅增添了更多樂趣!

在Meal kit 中:

雞肉 500 克
薑 30 克
花生醬 6 湯匙
茉莉香米 1.5 杯
辣椒蒜醬 2 湯匙
醬油 2 湯匙
米醋 1 湯匙
Coleslaw 340 克
青蔥 4 條
3 ماه پیش در تاریخ 1403/02/03 منتشر شده است.
32 بـار بازدید شده
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