مدیریت کنترل و استرس (مهرداد حمصیان)

50 بار بازدید - 4 سال پیش - يكي از مشكلات افراد با
يكي از مشكلات افراد با استرس هاي شغلشان است. بسياري از افراد به دليل استرس هاي شغلشان به دنبال تغيير شغل مي روند ولي آيا تغيير شغل راهكار مناسبي براي از بين رفتن استرس شغلي است. استرس هاي كاري براي همه كارها وجود دارد و اغلب با افزايش درامد اين استرس ها بيشتر مي شود و افراد بايد ياد بگيرند استرس هاي شغلي خود را شناسايي و سپس كنترل كنند. به طور مثال فردي كه در كار خود عصبي رفتار مي كند قطعا در طول ارتباطات روز به دليل رفتارهاي عصبي خود با واكنش هاي افراد ديگر هم روبرو مي شود و اين باعث مي شود استرس هاي بيشتري را متحمل شود.ياد بگيريد روي خود سرمايه گذاري كنيد و مشكلات ارتباطي خود را حل كنيد. البته ميزان استرس در هر شغلي متفاوت است ولي اينكه شغلي بدون استرس باشد قطعا اينجور نيست .بنابراين بايد به دنبال راهكارهاي بهبود كسب و كار خود و سيستمي كردن كار خود باشيم تا بتوانيم اين استرس را توزيع كنيم. وجود كارمندان با مهارت و با تجربه،استرس هاي شما را در كسب و كار كاهش مي دهد. Some friends  had said that I am very stressed at work.  What shall i do?  You need to know whatever you want to do is stressful.  There is no job that does not have stress.  Whatever job  that you want to make money, you have to accept the stress of it.  I think the only job that has low stress is the employee job, and if employees do not do the job well, they get stressed and  will be deported  as a result and get stressed again.  That is, whatever you want to do is stressful.  Some people because they are not in other people's jobs, think that other people's jobs is very good , but their own jobs is not good. always says that the grass on the other side of the fence is always greener.  How do you know this is a good thing?  How do you know that person has a good job?  From a distance that is not clear.  When you get to work, you see a thousand problems.  You need to know that any job is stressful.  Now how can I manage and control this stress so that I do not get into trouble?  So you have to learn to control stress, not say I have a stressful job, so I have to left my job.  He immediately stops working and starts another job.  When they enter a new job, they get into trouble again.  What has been proven is that no one has ever gone from job to  another  and  has not said that I am satisfied.  Unless he has chosen the first job incorrectly. In most cases, you can succeed in every job with the proper manageyment and right business, you just have to know the science of job. You have to know what skills you need and what you need to do to be the best and most successful in this job.  Just don't talk,  please act and get results.
4 سال پیش در تاریخ 1399/09/08 منتشر شده است.
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