
Advaita: Non-Dual Spirituality - from Ancient India to our Global Age


Advaita: Non-Dual Spirituality - from Ancient India to our Global Age
HH Puri Shankaracharya Ji resolved my query - 2


HH Puri Shankaracharya Ji resolved my query - 2
Pratibhasika Satta, Vyavaharika Satta, Paramardhika Satta : By Sri Chalapathirao


Pratibhasika Satta, Vyavaharika Satta, Paramardhika Satta : By Sri Chalapathirao
Vedant Darshan Men Trividh Satta | Pratibhasika Satta | Vyavaharik Satta | Parmarthik Satta


Vedant Darshan Men Trividh Satta | Pratibhasika Satta | Vyavaharik Satta | Parmarthik Satta
Advaita Vedanta Metaphysics: Levels of Reality - Classical Indian Philosophy (Philosophy)


Advaita Vedanta Metaphysics: Levels of Reality - Classical Indian Philosophy (Philosophy)
Non Duality? | Paramahamsa Vishwananda


Non Duality? | Paramahamsa Vishwananda
6. Drg Drsya Viveka (7-12): What is Reflected Consciousness (Chidabhasa or Pratibimba Caitanya)?


6. Drg Drsya Viveka (7-12): What is Reflected Consciousness (Chidabhasa or Pratibimba Caitanya)?
Yoga Vasistha Sara 4.12-14 - Nothing to accept or reject


Yoga Vasistha Sara 4.12-14 - Nothing to accept or reject
Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.4-5 - This world is deceptive to the wise


Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.4-5 - This world is deceptive to the wise
17. Drg Drsya Viveka (32-37): 3 Types of Jivas - How to Reduce Subjectivity - Beginningless Universe


17. Drg Drsya Viveka (32-37): 3 Types of Jivas - How to Reduce Subjectivity - Beginningless Universe
15. Drg Drsya Viveka (22-29): Vedantic Meditation Techniques - Role of Devotion & Meditation


15. Drg Drsya Viveka (22-29): Vedantic Meditation Techniques - Role of Devotion & Meditation
Yoga Vasistha Sara 4.1-3 - The Self imagines objects and runs after them


Yoga Vasistha Sara 4.1-3 - The Self imagines objects and runs after them
14. Drg Drsya Viveka (21-29): Two Kinds of Superimposition - Yoga vs Advaita Vedanta Meditation


14. Drg Drsya Viveka (21-29): Two Kinds of Superimposition - Yoga vs Advaita Vedanta Meditation
Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.3 - Brahman is the Knowledge itself


Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.3 - Brahman is the Knowledge itself
Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.1-2 - The fire of Who am I


Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.1-2 - The fire of Who am I
Yoga Vasistha Sara 6.1-2 - No independent existence of any material object


Yoga Vasistha Sara 6.1-2 - No independent existence of any material object
Yoga Vasistha Sara 3.21-22 - Liberation is the correction of incorrect understanding


Yoga Vasistha Sara 3.21-22 - Liberation is the correction of incorrect understanding
11. Drg Drsya Viveka (15-16): Removing Ignorance of Self & Veiling Power of Maya


11. Drg Drsya Viveka (15-16): Removing Ignorance of Self & Veiling Power of Maya
12. Drg Drsya Viveka (17-20): Distinguishing Real from Unreal - What is Real & Unreal?


12. Drg Drsya Viveka (17-20): Distinguishing Real from Unreal - What is Real & Unreal?
Yoga Vasistha Sara 4.20-23 - Absence of anxiety is the cause of liberation


Yoga Vasistha Sara 4.20-23 - Absence of anxiety is the cause of liberation
Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.6-9 - Things done or not done, do not trouble him


Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.6-9 - Things done or not done, do not trouble him
1. Drg Drsya Viveka: Why We Pray Before Starting a Class (Drig Drishya Viveka)


1. Drg Drsya Viveka: Why We Pray Before Starting a Class (Drig Drishya Viveka)
3. Drg Drsya Viveka (2-5): What is Consciousness? How to Discriminate Seer & Seen?


3. Drg Drsya Viveka (2-5): What is Consciousness? How to Discriminate Seer & Seen?
Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.13-16 - In agitated mind the world looks like a forest fire


Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.13-16 - In agitated mind the world looks like a forest fire
9. Drg Drsya Viveka (13): Relating with Isvara (Lord) - Proper Order of Recognizing Reality


9. Drg Drsya Viveka (13): Relating with Isvara (Lord) - Proper Order of Recognizing Reality
8. Drg Drsya Viveka (Evening Satsang): Why Your Wisdom Isn't Sticking? - Cleaning Up Your Life


8. Drg Drsya Viveka (Evening Satsang): Why Your Wisdom Isn't Sticking? - Cleaning Up Your Life
13. Drg Drsya Viveka (20-21): Evolved Mind, Awareness, and the Reality of the World


13. Drg Drsya Viveka (20-21): Evolved Mind, Awareness, and the Reality of the World
Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.10-12 - Contemplation convert poison in to nectar and nectar in to poison.


Yoga Vasistha Sara 5.10-12 - Contemplation convert poison in to nectar and nectar in to poison.
4. Drg Drsya Viveka (5): What is Consciousness? How to Show Non-Duality (Advaita)?


4. Drg Drsya Viveka (5): What is Consciousness? How to Show Non-Duality (Advaita)?
10. Drg Drsya Viveka (14): Maya, Ishvara & Brahman Are True Now - Upadhi & Upahita


10. Drg Drsya Viveka (14): Maya, Ishvara & Brahman Are True Now - Upadhi & Upahita
18. Drg Drsya Viveka (38-46): Enlightened vs Ignorant Person - How to Achieve Self-Realization


18. Drg Drsya Viveka (38-46): Enlightened vs Ignorant Person - How to Achieve Self-Realization
16. Drg Drsya Viveka (30-31): Wise & Unwise Person - Uplifting Yourself Through Your Efforts


16. Drg Drsya Viveka (30-31): Wise & Unwise Person - Uplifting Yourself Through Your Efforts
Yoga Vasistha Sara 6.7-10 - I offer my salutations to Myself


Yoga Vasistha Sara 6.7-10 - I offer my salutations to Myself
7. Drg Drsya Viveka (13): What Created the Universe? Who/What is the Creator of Time & Space?


7. Drg Drsya Viveka (13): What Created the Universe? Who/What is the Creator of Time & Space?
2. Drg Drsya Viveka (1): What is Vedanta? - Analysis of Awareness, Mind & Senses


2. Drg Drsya Viveka (1): What is Vedanta? - Analysis of Awareness, Mind & Senses
5. Drg Drsya Viveka (5-7): Duality Doesn't Contradict Non-Duality - What is Ego (I-sense)?


5. Drg Drsya Viveka (5-7): Duality Doesn't Contradict Non-Duality - What is Ego (I-sense)?
Yoga Vasistha Sara 6.3-6 - I am Brahman only and Brahman is Me alone.


Yoga Vasistha Sara 6.3-6 - I am Brahman only and Brahman is Me alone.