michelle thaller big think

3 wonders of the universe, explained | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


3 wonders of the universe, explained | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
How to live after your soulmate has died | Michelle Thaller


How to live after your soulmate has died | Michelle Thaller
The Big Bang explained in under 4 minutes | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


The Big Bang explained in under 4 minutes | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Is time real or is it an illusion? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Is time real or is it an illusion? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
What we know for certain about the universe—and what we don't | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


What we know for certain about the universe—and what we don't | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
When will we find alien life? Place your bets! | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


When will we find alien life? Place your bets! | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Why are so many objects in space shaped like discs? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Why are so many objects in space shaped like discs? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Would scientists tell us about a looming apocalypse? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Would scientists tell us about a looming apocalypse? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Art vs. science? The battle that never was | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Art vs. science? The battle that never was | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Why spiritualizing the cosmos is a disservice to science and religion | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Why spiritualizing the cosmos is a disservice to science and religion | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Where do atoms come from? Billions of years of cosmic fireworks. | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Where do atoms come from? Billions of years of cosmic fireworks. | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Augmented evolution: Why the definition of “human” is about to change | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Augmented evolution: Why the definition of “human” is about to change | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
What proof is there that the universe is evolving? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


What proof is there that the universe is evolving? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
The Big Bang wasn’t an explosion. Visualize it like this. | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


The Big Bang wasn’t an explosion. Visualize it like this. | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
The Einstein myth: Why the cult of personality is bad for science | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


The Einstein myth: Why the cult of personality is bad for science | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
How fast is Earth traveling through space? That depends. | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


How fast is Earth traveling through space? That depends. | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
What was Einstein’s most mind-blowing discovery? | Ask an astronomer | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


What was Einstein’s most mind-blowing discovery? | Ask an astronomer | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
How astronomy makes neuroscience even cooler: brains, gold, and neutron stars | Michelle Thaller


How astronomy makes neuroscience even cooler: brains, gold, and neutron stars | Michelle Thaller
The mind-blowing science of black holes | Michio Kaku, Bill Nye, Michelle Thaller & more | Big Think


The mind-blowing science of black holes | Michio Kaku, Bill Nye, Michelle Thaller & more | Big Think
Time: Do the past, present, and future exist all at once? | Big Think


Time: Do the past, present, and future exist all at once? | Big Think
Amazing astronomy: How neutron stars create ripples in space-time | Michelle Thaller| Big Think


Amazing astronomy: How neutron stars create ripples in space-time | Michelle Thaller| Big Think
Why the future of science depends on creativity and emotion | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Why the future of science depends on creativity and emotion | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Student of the stars: How do you become an astronomer? | Michelle Thaller


Student of the stars: How do you become an astronomer? | Michelle Thaller
Tiny humans, big universe: How to balance anxiety and wonder in astrophysics | Michelle Thaller


Tiny humans, big universe: How to balance anxiety and wonder in astrophysics | Michelle Thaller
Do compasses work in space? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Do compasses work in space? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
3 scientists school flat Earthers on the evidence | Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Michelle Thaller


3 scientists school flat Earthers on the evidence | Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Michelle Thaller
Was Oumuamua an alien spaceship? No. Here’s what it is. | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Was Oumuamua an alien spaceship? No. Here’s what it is. | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Self-healing DNA may protect astronauts from killer radiation | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Self-healing DNA may protect astronauts from killer radiation | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
How to make a black hole | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think


How to make a black hole | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think
This is not what an atom really looks like | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


This is not what an atom really looks like | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Great scientific discoveries hide in boring places | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Great scientific discoveries hide in boring places | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Black hole death: How extreme tidal forces turn humans into spaghetti | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Black hole death: How extreme tidal forces turn humans into spaghetti | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Inside the genius of Albert Einstein | Big Think


Inside the genius of Albert Einstein | Big Think
Should we block out the sun to stop climate change? | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Should we block out the sun to stop climate change? | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Do aliens exist? If they did, would we know? | NASA astronomer Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Do aliens exist? If they did, would we know? | NASA astronomer Michelle Thaller | Big Think
What Stephen Hawking would have discovered if he lived longer | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think


What Stephen Hawking would have discovered if he lived longer | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think
How the Moon’s ice craters will power a human colony | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


How the Moon’s ice craters will power a human colony | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Why working at NASA is amazing | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Why working at NASA is amazing | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
How math predicts life on Earth and the universe beyond | Michio Kaku, Michelle Thaller & more


How math predicts life on Earth and the universe beyond | Michio Kaku, Michelle Thaller & more
That black hole photo: How event horizons bend time, space, and light | Michelle Thaller | Big think


That black hole photo: How event horizons bend time, space, and light | Michelle Thaller | Big think
How ‘The Goblin’ may unravel the mystery of Planet Nine | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


How ‘The Goblin’ may unravel the mystery of Planet Nine | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Are solar storms a threat to humanity? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Are solar storms a threat to humanity? | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Maria Mitchell: America’s First Celebrity Scientist | Big Think


Maria Mitchell: America’s First Celebrity Scientist | Big Think
How success and failure co-exist in every single one of us | Michelle Thaller


How success and failure co-exist in every single one of us | Michelle Thaller
Carl Sagan's most important lesson about science | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think


Carl Sagan's most important lesson about science | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think
‘A world with no ice': Confronting the horrors of climate change | Big Think


‘A world with no ice': Confronting the horrors of climate change | Big Think
Is there life after death? | Sam Harris, Bill Nye, Michio Kaku, & more | Big Think


Is there life after death? | Sam Harris, Bill Nye, Michio Kaku, & more | Big Think
How NASA averted the 2060 apocalypse | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


How NASA averted the 2060 apocalypse | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
How to think smarter about failure | Tim Ferriss, Ethan Hawke & more | Big Think


How to think smarter about failure | Tim Ferriss, Ethan Hawke & more | Big Think
Astronomer Michelle Thaller on Quantum Entanglement, Death and How We're Connected in Space-Time


Astronomer Michelle Thaller on Quantum Entanglement, Death and How We're Connected in Space-Time
3 proofs that debunk flat-Earth theory | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think


3 proofs that debunk flat-Earth theory | NASA's Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Why zero gravity is a myth: The amazing science of 'floating' astronauts | NASA's Michelle Thaller


Why zero gravity is a myth: The amazing science of 'floating' astronauts | NASA's Michelle Thaller
3 proofs that debunk flat-Earth theory | Big Think Top Ten 2018 | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


3 proofs that debunk flat-Earth theory | Big Think Top Ten 2018 | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
NASA’s zero-gravity plane: How astronauts train for microgravity | Michelle Thaller | Big Think


NASA’s zero-gravity plane: How astronauts train for microgravity | Michelle Thaller | Big Think
Anti-Abortion Activists Are Not “Pro-Life,” says Jesse Ventura | Big Think


Anti-Abortion Activists Are Not “Pro-Life,” says Jesse Ventura | Big Think
A Scientific Explanation of the Human Mind | Daniel Siegel | Big Think


A Scientific Explanation of the Human Mind | Daniel Siegel | Big Think
Countdown to Jupiter - Here Comes Juno with NASA's Dr. Michelle Thaller Part 1


Countdown to Jupiter - Here Comes Juno with NASA's Dr. Michelle Thaller Part 1
Think Big 1990 PT 1 .


Think Big 1990 PT 1 .
When neutron stars collide | Michelle Thaller


When neutron stars collide | Michelle Thaller
Our Place in the Universe: Cosmology from Ancient Greece to Today


Our Place in the Universe: Cosmology from Ancient Greece to Today